Laser Engineering
Why Laser Engineering?
The degree program laser engineering is the answer of this campus to the increasing call for engineers in the fields of laser development and laser application. This program is characterised by modern equipment, a strong connection between practical education and applied research as well as internationality and interdisciplinarity. The studies in laser medicine provide a direct link to the degree program Medical Engineering and Sports Medical
Fields of career:
- Research and development (in industry, university and research centers)
- Development construction and installation of equipment
- Development of special laser systems
- Marketing and sales in different positions within companies
- Manufacturing and quality control
- Production
- Optical communication and topics in information technology
- Marketing and Sales departments
- Teaching, training and skill development
- Self employment (engineering company, consulting)
- Project leadership in technical divisions
Topics of study:
During the basic study phase, students are introduced to the basis of physics, mathematics and chemistry as well as skills in technical subjects such as informatics, electrical and measurement engineering, electronics, technical mechanics and material science.
During the main study phase this knowledge is extended and deepened by interdisciplinary lessons.
Thus the students acquire the competence required for their practical term in the 5th semester, which may take place in either industrial companies or a university research site in Germany or abroad. The students have a chance to find out about their own preferences and skills.
After that practical term, in the 6th and 7th semesters, the specialisation takes place. The theoretical knowledge is applied in extended practical exercises. The degree program laser engineering thereby concentrates on fields that dominate the commercial applications: laser measurement technology, which includes holography, laser material processing, micro processing of materials by laser, laser leithography (which is highly important for the production of computer chips), optical communications technology (more and more important
for information technology) and laser medicine with its increasing importance for diagnostics as well as therapy.
Admission requirements:
Necessary is an advanced technical college certificate or a general qualification for university entrance. A practical preparatory training can be completed during the main study phase. Application for registration is possible for the summer or the winter term.
Final Degree:
Diplom-Ingenieur/in (FH)
Three semesters of basic studies and five semesters within the main study phase (including the practical term and one semester for the diploma thesis).
Course Director Prof. Dr. Thomas Wilhein
Secretary: Waltraud Ott
Tel. + 49 (0) 2642/932-336 (Fax: -399)