Logistics and E-Business
Why Logistics and E-Business?
Given the relevance of holistic approaches to problem-solving, managers in leadership positions have to rely on a sound understanding of the relationships of economic and technical aspects. In the near future, the virtual marketplace on the internet will mirror that of the real world exactly. On top of that, a number of services will be offered which could not be offered without computers and on-line technology. The combination of logistics and e-business will thus be vital for the economies of the future.
Job profile
Students who have studied within this degree program will be able to assume responsibility both in the areas of sales and logistics. They are qualified for management tasks in:
- small and medium-sized businesses
- service industries (haulage companies, information technology)
- services with logistical tasks (such as shipping, warehousing, distribution, local public transport), airlines, railroad companies etc.
- management consultancy
- waste disposal industry
Aims of the degree program
Our graduates are capable of working in teams, dealing with economic questions, and taking an interdisciplinary approach to problems. We teach generalists whose holistic attitude to problems provides them with a special ability for leadership responsibility in small and medium-sized businesses. Their specialisation is an extra attraction for future employers.
Course contents
The first two years of the degree programme form a basic study phase (semesters 1-4), which offers a thorough introduction to the central aspects of business administration with a special emphasis on the requisite technical and scientific knowledge. Social skills are also taught from the very beginning.
The third and fourth years (semesters 5-8) form the main study phase. This phase widens this approach and offers the possibility to take part in interdisciplinary courses on business-related or technical problems in the fields of logistics and e-business. In addition to that, the students' knowledge on relevant management functions (marketing, controlling, human resource management, organisation) is deepened. Special emphasis is placed on the problem-oriented use of information technology.
Practical orientation and international perspective
The economic structure of Northern Rhineland Palatinate, with its predominance of small and middle-sized businesses and its conversion to a service-oriented business structure offers excellent possibilities for the realisation of practice-oriented study programmes. Practical semesters - practical projects, teachers from a business background. Our areas for third-party funded projects form the basis for a number of interesting cooperation schemes, into which our students are integrated.
Special emphasis is placed on internationalisation. Students attend skill-oriented language classes, English lectures, are encouraged to study abroad or to complete their practical semester abroad. The credit point system allows for double degrees with foreign partner university and for the transfer of credits for academic work performed at other universities.
Diplom-Betriebswirt/in (FH)
Admission requirements:
The successful completion of secondary education qualifying for higher education ("Fachhochschulreife", "Hochschulreife" or equivalent); pre-study internship (13 weeks)
Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer