Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohl-Bareis
Tel.: 02642 / 932-342
Fax: 02642 / 932-399
E-Mail: Kohl-Bareis
Physik, Optische Spektroskopie, Laserphysik
Biomedizinische Optik, Optische Spektroskopie, Gewebeoptik, zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie
Veröffentlichungen (ab 2000):
Ntziachristos V., Kohl M., Ma H., Chance B. (2000) Oximetry based on diffuse photon wave differentials. Med. Phys. 27, 410 - 421
Obrig H., Wenzel R., Kohl M., Horst S., Wobst ., Steinbrink J., Thomas F., Villringer A. (2000) Near-infrared spectroscopy: does it function in functional activation studies of the adult brain? Int. J. Psychophysiol. 35, 125-42
Wenzel R., Wobst P., Heekeren H. H., Kwong K. K., Brandt S. A., Kohl M., Obrig H., Dirnagl U., Villringer A. (2000) Saccadic suppression induces focal hypooxygenation in the occipital cortex. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 20, 1103-10
Steinbrink J., Kohl M., Obrig H., Curio G., Syre F., Thomas F., Wabnitz H., Rinneberg H., Villringer A. (2000) Somatosensory evoked fast optical intensity changes detected non-invasively in the adult human head. Neurosc. Let. 291, 105- 108
Kohl M., Lindauer U., Royl G., Kühl M., Gold L., Villringer A., Dirnagl U. (2000) Physical model for the spectroscopic analysis of cortical intrinsic optical signals. Phys. Med. Biol. 45, 3749 - 3764
Obrig H., Neufang M., Wenzel R., Kohl M., Steinbrink J., Villringer A. (2000) Spontaneous low frequency oscillations of cerebral haemody-namics and metabolism under rest and visual stimulation in adults. Neuroimage 12:623-639
Wobst P., Wenzel R., Kohl M., Obrig H., Villringer A. (2001) Linear aspects of changes in blood oxygenation and cytochrome oxidase oxidation during brain activation. Neuroimage 13, 520-530
Lindauer U., Royl G., Kühl M., Leithner Ch., Gold L., Gethmann J., Kohl M., Villringer A., Dirnagl U. (2001) No Evidence for Early Decrease in Blood Oxygenation in Rat Whisker Cortex in Response to Functional Activation. Neuroimage 13, 988 - 1001
Kohl M., Obrig H., Steinbrink J., Malak J., Uludag K., Villringer A (2001) Non-invasive cerebral blood flow monitoring by a dye bolus method: separation of extra- and intracerebral absorption changes by frequency-domain spectroscopy. SPIE 4250 , 296 - 300 K.
Uludag, M. Kohl, J. Steinbrink, H. Obrig and A. Villringer (2001) Crosstalk in the Lambert-Beer calculation for near-infrared wavelength estimated by Monte simulations J. Biomed. Optics (in Druck)
Reviewer für folgende Zeitschriften:
· Optics Letters (OSA) · Applied Optics (OpSA)
· Journal of Biomedical Optics (SPIE)
· Physics in Medicine and Biology (IoP, UK)
· Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism