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Time-Schedule for the "Wind Energy" Project
a project for Umea students and Fulda students

Co-ordinators: Mrs. Pat Shrimpton, Umea and Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Fulda
Version: 9 November 1997 

Dates  Umea Action  Fulda Action  Comments 
kick-off Umea
10 Nov.  
- students read and discuss game idea and time-schedule of the "Wind Energy" Project 

- students start with the project and write an introductory letter to "Fulda-Consult". In this letter they explain the situation and ask if FC can refer them to companies that offer technology for wind energy. They ask FC what kind of information about the Umea area and its geographic and climatic situation they would need to get started 

- students draw maps of the area in question and write newspaper articles about the ecological problems with the existing hydro-electric systems

Fulda students finish the CV-writing project and do their job-interviews. 

- students read text "Energy from the Wind and watch video "Village in Wales"

- students receive introdoctory letters from Umea and as a result read and discuss game idea and time-schedule of the "Wind Energy Project" 


Fulda students are still busy finishing their previous case study with Brighton. They are introduced to the new task by the Umea students 


week 47 
17 Nov.
- students publish map of the Umea area with mountains, rivers, cities and villages. They write charts with statistical material about inhabitants, geographical features, weather, etc. which will be helpful for the development of the country with wind energy. Students finish and publish the documentation of the Umea area by Thurs, 20 Nov.:
- Map of Umea area
- Social Issues and pol. Parties
- Climate and nat. Resources
- Industry
- Present Hydro-Electric Systems

- Umea students split up into different pressure groups for negotiations about "wind vs. hydroelectric energy". they  fix the criteria for judging the incoming proposals on paper and decide how they will come to overall judgements. (On the basis of this they will decide which of the incoming proposals best resolves the geographical challenges of the country).   

- students form a jury with participants from 4 different backgrounds  

  • hydro-electric industry
  • tourist industry
  • "green party"
  • government (slightly left-wing)

- students design their own course web page with group photograph and individual student homepages  

-students read and answer the Swedish introductory letter suggesting contact with 4 German companies specialised in the field of wind energy and its marketing

- students divide into 4 companies specialised in installation and marketing of wind turbines 

  • Breezelectric Ltd.
  • Turbulence Inc.
  • Zephyr & Son
  • Gusts 'n More

- companies study the geographical map of the Umea area and the charts concerning climate, population etc. On the basis of the Umea materials student groups design marketing and web advertisement strategies for their wind turbines.

- the companies try to establish additional informal contacts with the different groups in Umea in order to obtain inside information

Final materials concerning the Umea area must be in by Thurs, 20 Nov.

We will not have any formal presentation between the groups so it will be helpful if the students present themselves to each other through their web-pages

24 Nov
- students look at formal letters of acceptance and rejection of applications and study recurrent formulations  

From Thur. 27 Nov: The jury discusses the products on the Fulda students' company pages and assesses the incoming proposals, selecting the best two.

1.) They write formal letters of rejection to the two companies which were not selected stating why they were not chosen.
This comprehensive letter (at least one page!) will explain

  • what was good in the web pages and the proposal (form, ideas, etc.)
  • what the jury citicised
  • what could be improved

2.) They also write letters two the two companies they are interested in and invite them to a selection interview for next week.

- students improve the design of their own course and student web pages with group photograph and individual student homepages

- working under stress: each company produces web pages and writes a proposal for solving the energy problems in the Umea area and submits it to the Swedish juries for assessment (Final proposal and web pages must be sent and finished by Wed. 26 Nov. It has to be finished by Wednesday this week! sorry but this is like real life!) 

- students improve the design of their own course and student web pages with group photograph and individual student homepages

Timing is very tight (less than one week) for the German companies to formulate and send the proposals between Fri, 21 and Wed. 26 Nov. The companies must have solved all other questions before and must fully concentrate on the proposal this week.
1 Dec.
 - students meet the two Fulda companies (which they selected) in an online chat-place to interview them about the product, their web pages and the proposals. After the interviews the Umea students have a board meeting and decide which company will be selected for a pilot phase of two years.

- students write a friendly formal letter to the company that had an interview but did not get the order explaining why they were not selected
This comprehensive letter (at least one page!) will explain 

  • what was good in the web pages and the proposal (form, ideas, etc.)
  • what the jury citicised
  • what could be improved
-  companies ask the Umea groups for an online interview date where they can defend their proposals and answer any additional questions of the jury 

- two companies which have been selected meet Umea juries in an online chat-place to answer questions about their proposals

-students improve the documentation homepage for this case study, where all the materials can be found 

  • maps of the Umea area
  • weather charts
  • statistical material
  • company profiles
  • companies' proposals
  • jury decision
  • letters from jury
  • evaluation
End ------------------------------
debrief and evaluation
debrief and evaluation


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page created by: Dr. Laurent Borgmann