The mountain walkAfter having had a nice lunch some of us decided to take a walk somewhere on the island. (Well today it was not raining and we needed to take advantage of this luxury.) Alin,Maria, Anders and the two of us (Jerry and Andreas) from the Swedish team together with Marc, Katrin and Jochen form the German group joined Lili on this excursion.We left the hostel and started off towards the Deserted Village, an early settlement on Achill Island. Then the real walk started. We struggeled, we fell and we sweated our way towards the top of Slievemore. When we reached a huge white stone we sat down and had a break. Here we thanked Jochen that he was clever enough to bring some water and unselfish enough to share it with us. Since the weather conditions allowed it we continued a bit higher and it was worth every stumbling step. At the top the view was stunning. The rugged mountains fell to the angry sea and the sun was just about to set behind the rolling mountains in the horizon. The word "amazing" is not strong enough. Here we raised the official "Achill Island Project 2000" flag. There were tears in everyone´s eye. Yes, the wind was strong. Yes, we were tired. Yes, our feet were wet but still we felt the pride of our incredible achievement. by Jerry Engström & Andreas Eglund
Pictures at an ExhibitionWe went to Western Light art Gallery in Keel and were led through the exhibition by Margaret Cannon who gave us an interesting summary of the artists showing and selling their works and the gallery.Currently 20 paintings are exhibited at the gallery. The paintings shown are being changed several times a year.
Introduction to diamond brackets and the secrets in between (html-course)Tuesday night Helga and Magnus introduced a large group of us to the first steps of the use of html-codes to produce your own webpage. Most of us had never done anything similar before and thus thought at first that we had to learn a new alphabet. However, we then realized that they were only giving us a "dry training" where no computer was involved. This was partially due to the fact that we simply didn't have enough computers at the hostel. But prospects of putting to work the new alphabet in the IT-Centre in Keel the following day kept us in a good mood nevertheless. There we had the chance to start working on our own web pages and the results were quite entertaining. Maybe some of them can be found on the web soon.Katrin Uhl
Dr. Laurent Borgmann Last modified by:Oliver Reichhardt |