Some impressions of the Intercultural Simulation

BARNGA - Intercultural simulation:

doesn't he understand the rules?"

Gestures became more important
as no verbal communication was permitted

"It's all in the cards! No verbal communication permitted"

Game Facilitator:
Christopher Blümlein

culture: the different attitudes, beliefs of people that are influenced by their environment, geopgraphy, upbringing, social class.."

Moving to a different table ...
"I felt much more at home at 'my' table because at least everybody tried to respect the rules"

Different Models of Culture
- onion model
- iceberg model
- software of the mind
- Hofstede's pyramid

The Trainer:


Culture: "external and internal forces"

"A living, breathing growing being or entity made up of many individuals..."

"Man is mortal - culture is eternal"    
"The values, beliefs, styles, attitudes that distinguish people of different generations, regions, religions, economic situations, social classes ..."

"Culture is the backbone of a person's life"
Definitions of Culture

Definitions of Culture

"culture is comparable to a dress code. It determines how a human being is supposed to act in society"

"The onion model? Well, it's a symbol of culture - an onion has many layers and the more you get to the centre, the more you cry ;-)"
"culture is the software of the mind - make sure you get the updates"


Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
FH Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus
Page designed by Laurent Borgmann