WEEKEND SEMINAR 10-12 December 2004

RheinAhrCampus, Remagen


Please consult the web site in December for the latest details about lecturers, rooms and times


Seminar timetable for RheinAhrcampus, Room B004:                           


Seminar timetable for RheinAhrcampus, Room B004  
  Fri, 10 Dec. 14:00 – 20:00
  Sat, 11 Dec. 12:00 – 18:00 plus optional Institutional TOEFL TEST 09:00 – 12:00 (extra registration!)
  Sun, 12 Dec. 10:00 – 14:00

Dr. Laurent Borgmann  -



For the participants:
In this seminar students learn to apply theoretical communications models to international professional encounters in a network society. They will be encouraged to find co-operative, friendly responses to intercultural challenges. At the end of the seminar students will be able to recognise, analyse, and describe these intercultural challenges in face-to-face situations and in virtual communities and adapt their own behaviour accordingly. They will be able to describe their own cultural backgrounds and point out differences to other cultures. Students will develop techniques to exploit cultural diversity as a benefit for a company or institution.

For the trainers:
For the trainers from 4 different countries this seminar is intended to provide a platform for an exchange of  ideas, positions and concepts, to promote awareness and improve the handling of intercultural situations in business, education and virtual communities.


Students are trained to perceive cultural differences and act accordingly. The intercultural competence gained is both “culture-general” and
“culture-specific”. Theoretical insights into different working styles, different perceptions of time, different religions, different education styles and virtual communities are applied in exercises and in simulations. Students acquire the skills to master difficult intercultural communications problems such as those that arise in international business situations.On Saturday morning students can take part in an optional Institutional TOEFL test.

Target group:

1) foreign students at Fachhochschule Koblenz
2) 4 students from each department of FH Koblenz
3) international guests

Teaching method:

The entire seminar will be held in the English language. The focus will be on interactive teaching methods which will give students the chance to learn about the theory of intercultural communication and media literacy and put their newly-acquired knowledge into practice in simulations. Theory and practice will be interlaced and students will have to take an active part in role plays and discussions.



Participants’ contribution to the costs:              20 EUR

(no extra charge for optional TOEFL test – but extra registration necessary!)
Pay your 20 EUR contribution at “Auslandsamt”, Koblenz or “Sprachen/Internationales”, Remagen AND send an email message for registration to: Barbara Neukirchen   - Please specify in your registration whether you also want to take part in the TOEFL test on Saturday morning! Deadline for registration is 8 November.