media[net]works – intercultural ICT-mediated communication competencies as a key to enable participation in a network society
Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
Dipl. Inf. Marcus Fessler
Achill Island Arts, Ireland; Umea University SE; inter.research Institute of interdisciplinary research e.V. DE; Grenaa Handelsskole DK; Fachhochschule Fulda University of Applied Sciences DE; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan IT ; University of León, León ES
eLearning Initiative - Generaldirektion Bildung und Kultur (EU)
Jan/03 bis Dez/05, Disseminationsphase bis Jan. 08
The aim of the project is to promote active citizenship through digital and media competence in combination with intercultural awareness. During the piloting of the training program participants will be involved actively in building and maintaining (moderating) their own transnational communities in order to share knowledge and insights into political, social and cultural collective decision-making. In order to train responsibility for these new media of exchange, participants will analyse existing virtual communities and the discursive behaviour observed in these fora. They will also reflect on their own behaviour as moderators, contributors or "lurkers" by documenting and questioning their own use of media and intercultural behaviour (e.g. dominance, power-distance in a digital environment, etc.). On a meta-level the participants keep their own log-book in the form of a "portfolio" where with the help of "can-do"-statements they follow their own learning path on the way to increased digital, media and intercultural competence. In order to facilitate and illustrate this learning process they form their own virtual community of meta-discussions but also face-to-face meetings where these experiences can be shared, demonstrated and evaluated. The international piloting will help produce a realistic and adaptable training course which clearly points out the concept of active project work for involved learning in these three areas.
Pressemitteilungen und Artikel:
2006 January, Remagener Nachrichten (Press Article) "EU - Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen" Sieben Partner aus fünf europäischen Ländern zogen zum Jahresende eine positive Bilanz
2006 January, Blick aktuell (Press Article) "EU - Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen"
2006 January, Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (Press Release) "Interkulturelle Kommunikation in virtuellen Gemeinschaften" EU-Forschungsprojekt media-net-works erfolgreich abgeschlossen - Ergebnisse wurden am RheinAhrCampus Remagen der FH Koblenz vorgestellt.
2006 January, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik (Press Release) "Multimedia - virtuelle Kommunikation lernen"
2005 January, Thema, International Project week at Achill Island (Press Article) "Treffen des Projekts media-net-works auf Achill Island, Irland" 2005 February, Mayonews, International Project week at Achill Island (Press Article) "Invitation to student Farewell Party at the Achill Cliff House"
2004 February, Media Literacy workshop in Brussels, Belgium
2004 October, Presentation at concertation meeting in Brussels, Belgium
2005 October, Presentation at "den nordiske stemme" Online conference
2004 April, IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, England
2005 September, EAIE Conference, Krakau, Poland