
63 headstones (1802-1943)


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The first Jews settled in the Hamburg district of Ritzebüttel, now part of the town of Cuxhaven, in the middle of the 18th century.

Their own burial ground was established around 1760 in the Brockeswald forest, some distance from Ritzebüttel (on the Sahlenburger Chaussee). In 1754, the Schutzjude Nathan Abraham had already received permission to bury his daughter there, who had died at the age of one. The cemetery was extended as early as 1818.

Around 1800, the 'Israelite Community of Ritzebüttel' was established, which built its own synagogue in 1815/16.

Today there are still 61 gravestones. The oldest dates from 1802.


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