Rhine Sleeping

2014, Joachim Manz
Rolandswerth – south of the campingsite Siebengebirgsblick

Joachim Manz has created a two-part sculpture for the Riverside Sculpture Park in Remagen which offers cyclists and hikers an unusual form of overnight accommodation. The sculptor from Bremen selected a location on the grass between the towpath and the side arm of the Rhine. Users can sit or recline and rest with magnificent views of the Siebengebirge and Drachenfels.

  • © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Foto: Marie Zimmermann
    Joachim Manz – Rhine Sleeping
    © Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, photo: Marie Zimmermann

About the work

Rheinschlafen ("Rhine Sleeping") is a construction consisting of two wall panels made of riveted aluminium sheeting and woven willow rods resting on slender pillars. They are aligned parallel to the direction of flow of the Rhine. The installation houses two wooden loungers which can be unfolded for use.

The location directly beside the Rhine invites travellers and those out for a stroll to pause, to rest and relax and to dream in the open air accompanied by the gentle rushing sounds of the water. If necessary the benches can also be used for sleeping. Blinds made of PVC sheeting provide protection from sun and rain.

With his sculpture Joachim Manz reacts to a romantic place of rest and recreation. At the same time, however, he also focuses on a place which is repeatedly threatened by flooding. This circumstance has determined the overall form, the material and the workmanship.

Manz has already responded to these ambivalent, threatened resting places with a variety of projects. Some are moved to another location after a flood, while others are washed away and disappear. In Rolandswerth the beds are submerged and then reappear again.

Campsite cooperation

In cooperation with the "Rheincamping Siebengebirgsblick" campsite you can obtain the key for Rheinschlafen and – if required – a mosquito net and the crank to operate the blinds. For a fee you can also use the shower and toilet facilities there.

About the artist

Joachim Manz was born 1957 in Lünen. He lives and works in Bremen.

Further information

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