The Arp Collection

Hans Arp and Sophie Taeuber-Arp are counted among the most important artists of the twentieth-century avant-garde. As pioneers of abstract art they both created a unique oeuvre. The Arp Collection of the county Rhineland-Palatinate contains over 400 artworks by the artist duo.


The works of Hans Arp and Sophie Taeuber-Arp include paintings, drawings and collages, reliefs, sculptures, woven beadwork and tapestries as well as a rare joint sculpture. You will find further information about the life and works of the artist duo here...

The collection is displayed with changing areas of focus on the so-called Patrons' Floor on the upper floor of the Richard Meier Building. The Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck is thus the only museum which on the basis of its comprehensive collection is dedicated to the two artists in their diversity and in the entire spectrum of their artistic works.

How did the Arp Collection come to Rolandseck? Johannes Wasmuth, a gallerist based in Bonn and the Director of the Künstlerbahnhof Rolandseck, was acquainted with the Arp Family. In 1977, eleven years after the death of Hans Arp, he convinced Arp's second wife, Marguerite Arp-Hagenbach, to donate a large part of the estate to Rolandseck. Together they founded the association Verein Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V.. It was at that time that the idea of dedicating a museum to the two artists was born. The idea found wide acceptance. Once it was certain that the museum building would be realised by Richard Meier, the Land of Rheinland-Pfalz began to purchase works by the two artists for the museum. And so the Arp Collection of the Land of Rheinland-Pfalz was built up from 1996 onwards.

You will find more information about the history of the museum here.


Curator - Arp Collection

Astrid von Asten M.A.

+49 2228 9425-25

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