Staff Mobility

Staff Mobility for Training

Erasmus+ supports training periods for staff working in higher education institutions.

With Erasmus+, you can train at a higher education institution in an Erasmus+ Programme or Partner country or at an organisation outside the sector in a Programme country.

Examples of such organisations include businesses, public bodies, social partners, research institutes and non-governmental organisations.

A training period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days and cannot last more than 2 months. This excludes travelling time.

A training period between a Programme country and a Partner country must last a minimum of 5 days and cannot last more than 2 months. This excludes travelling time.

Mit STT kann Hochschulpersonal aus allen Bereichen gefördert werden.

Requirements@Hochschule Koblenz:

  • Approval from the International Office regarding the funding (contact us via email or just stop by@Room HU26)
  • see our guidelines
  • approved application for a business trip

Reimbursment will be done according to our state's travel expense act.

According to available funding, the funding period might be different from the actual travel period.


Models for all documents are available in the download section on the right hand side.

Vielfalt Gestalten
Gefördert durch die EU
Covid 19 digital studieren
Gesundheitsregion KölnBonn e.V.