International Programs

International Students

Come to Remagen and make a difference - a difference to your life and life here on campus.  mehr

RAC Students Abroad

YOU ... want to study at one of our Partner Universities? ... are planning your internship abroad? ... are looking for a program that offers language courses during summer break?  mehr


Modern teaching methods, interactive learning environments and up-to-date teaching technology are some of the characteristics of the international modules offered at RheinAhrCampus Remagen. mehr

International Projects and Events

European and transatlantic research projects, summer schools, excursions and intensive seminars as well as International Weeks on campus are an integral part of our academic activities. mehr

The Team @ RAC

We are there to assist you with any international plans and projects you may have. Click here in order to get in touch! mehr


Listen to our award-winning podcast on intercultural issues and share the experiences of many international minds! This intercultural podcast may provide inspiration as well as background knowledge on international matters! mehr

Services for Academic Faculty / Staff

RAC Lecturers Abroad

Planning to go abroad? - Please contact us about anything you need, e.g. language training for the preparation of international activities, support for teaching staff mobility, information on funding, proposals, deadlines and teaching resources. mehr

Visiting Lecturers at RheinAhrCampus

Welcome to RheinAhrCampus! Internationalisation is one of the pillars of our view of academic education. Therefore we are always glad to welcome visiting lecturers to our institution. Please contact our departmental coordinators for international relations if you are planning to visit us.  mehr

Staff Training

One important way of internationalising European universities is the option of completing an EU Staff Training in another European country. The potential purposes include exchange of experience, professional training and international networking. mehr

RheinAhrCampus Remagen at a Glance

Awards, Rankings, Titles

The following list provides a colourful - although by no means complete - overview of a history of continuing success and academic excellence. mehr


Research and teaching at RheinAhrCampus are organised in two faculties, the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Technology.  mehr

Degree Programmes

All degree courses cover intersections between different academic disciplines and areas of practical work in the areas of management, engineering and mathematics mehr

Mission Statement

This mission statements provides some information about our approach to our activities in the areas of research and teaching. mehr

Facilities and Resources

Our modern approach to professional qualification is reflected by the range of facilities which provide a comfortable and stimulating environment as well as catering for various needs which are typically connected with student life.  mehr

Research and Transfer

As a regional research centre for services and innovation, the RheinAhrCampus is not only committed to teaching, but also to the technology transfer between university and industry/service providers.  mehr


The northernmost university campus in the federal state of Rhineland Palatinate is is surrounded both by beautiful landscapes - and a vibrant cultural region. mehr


Some glimpses of a success story which started with the implementation of the federal Bonn/Berlin Act and continues right to the present! mehr


Find out how to reach us - no matter whether you are planning to arrive by car or by public tranportation. mehr

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