Hospitals - Saarland KlinikenFliedner Krankenhaus - Neunkirchen The “Fliedner Hospital Neunkirchen” offers departments for internal medicine, endocrinology / diabetology and intensive care as well as psychiatry and psychotherapy. There are a total of 159 beds and 15 places in the day hospital. Evangelischen Stadtkrankenhaus - Saarbrücken The “Evangelical City Hospital Saarbrücken” offers 137 beds and 16 residencies in the “Paul Marien hospice”. The three main departments - general surgery, internal surgery and interdisciplinary intensive care - as well as the departments lead by regional physicians (“Belegabteilungen”) for internal surgery, general surgery and orthopedics provide treatment and care for patients in the state capital´s hospital of Saarbrücken in the Saarland. The state-approved vocational school for healthcare (“Schule für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege der Saarland Kliniken kreuznacher diakonie”) offers 60 places for education in medical and health care and is maintained in cooperation with the „Klinikum Saarbrücken gGmbH“. | IHRE ANSPRECHPARTNERINEva Bellavia PR Assistant KONTAKT
ADRESSESaarland Kliniken Fliedner Krankenhaus Neunkirchen Theodor-Fliedner-Straße 12 66538 Neunkirchen ANFAHRT |