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Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie
Bad Kreuznach
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Homeless support

Waschutensilien auf einer Parkbank
Help for women and men in difficult situations

Short- and long-term help

The homeless support (“Wohnungslosenhilfe kreuznacher diakonie”) offers short-term and long-term help for women and men whose special circumstances in life are connected to social difficulties.

Emergency accommodations and follow-up care are offered in the regions of Bad Kreuznach and Birkenfeld.

Another service in Bad Kreuznach is the “Café Bunt – Tagesaufenthalt, Notunterkunft, Beratungsstelle – für Frauen in Not” where women in distress can spend their day and receive counseling or stay overnight if they have nowhere else to go to. Also, streetwork is offered in Bad Kreuznach.

In Idar-Oberstein, streetwork and a place to stay during the day is offered by “Horizont” and “Idar-Obersteiner Tafel” ("Tafel" = non-profit organisation distributing food for people in need on a communal level).

There are 148 places for homeless people in various residential facilities, including the “Eremitage” and the “Niederreidenbacher Hof” (a home for the aged homeless with 17 places) as well as living groups and decentralized single apartments in Bad Kreuznach and Idar-Oberstein.


Frieder Zimmermann

 Frieder Zimmermann

Chief Executive Director



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Frieder  Zimmermann
Chief Executive Director


Tel.+49 - (0)671 - 8394933
Fax+49 - (0)671 - 8394930
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Eremitageweg 211
55559 Bretzenheim