Foundation "Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie"Foundation kreuznacher diakonieThe "foundation kreuznacher diakonie" takes part in the ecclesiastical mission to communicate God’s love for the world in Jesus Christ to all people. It feels committed to this mission and has participated in it since the beginning of the “Diakonie” as a vital and spiritual unit of the protestant church. It especially cares for people in physical suffering, mental distress and social hardship. The “kreuznacher diakonie” is a large, charitable and benevolent ecclesiastical institution under public law and was founded in 1889 in Bad Sobernheim. Today, the foundation kreuznacher diakonie is situated in Bad Kreuznach and is the supporting organisation of many social and healthcare facilities in the states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Hessen. Help to live More than 8000 people use the services provided by the kreuznacher diakonie every day. The foundation kreuznacher diakonie employs more than 5.300 employees. | IHRE ANSPRECHPARTNERINAndrea Bäder-Mellmann PR Assistant KONTAKT