"Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie" is a large, charitable and benevolent ecclesiastical institution under public law. It was founded in 1889 in Bad Sobernheim, today it is situated in Bad Kreuznach.
Services for children and teenagers with and without special needs, for children at risk of developing a disability as well as for children and teenagers with developmental delay and disadvantaged children.
The curative pedagogical services ("Die Heilpädagogischen Einrichtungen kreuznacher diakonie") offer assistance and care for people with special needs in six locations with around 800 employees.
162 children, teenagers and adults with varying degrees of physical impairments up to severe disabilities live in the rehabilitation center Bethesda kreuznacher diakonie in Bad Kreuznach.
"Seniorenhilfe kreuznacher diakonie" offers services for the elderly and people with need for care in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz).
The "Diakonie Krankenhaus kreuznacher diakonie" is a certified high-performance hospital with eleven main specialist departments and three departments occupied by regional physicians.
The "Saarland Medical Center kreuznacher diakonie" consists of two hospitals and further institutions which offer treatment for a total of 327 patients in different locations in the Saarland.