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Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie
Bad Kreuznach
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Vocational schools

junge Frauen
The graduates are qualified to work with many providers of social services.

Vocational qualifications in different social professions.

In our center of education the vocational training colleges supply a comprehensive offer for different social professions. Our private colleges are state-registered and we offer vocational as well as further education for 475 students.

The different types of colleges are

  • vocational training college for social assistance
  • training college for social studies in the fields of
        1. professional carer for people with disabilites
        2. social pedagogy
        3. remedial education
        4. organisation and conduct
  • training colleges of care for the elderly.

It is also possible to acquire the entrance qualification for colleges of higher education.

Support in developing potentials and competences
We set great store by social skills of all the people working at our colleges. Our pedagogical commission is to accompany the students in their personal development and to strengthen them in their responsibility towards themselves as well as towards others.

Cooperative learning and high autonomy of the learners
In each education we aim at a close connection between theoretical classes and workplace settings by internships, observation visits, excursions, working on projects and so on. We continuously develop our teaching concepts according to the changing conditions and demands in the respective workplace settings.  We aim at cooperative ways of studying and self-responsibility of our students.

The graduates are qualified to work both in institutions provided by the foundation  "kreuznacher diakonie“ and other providers of social services.

We welcome students regardless of their confessions. We desire self-responsibility, interest in working with people and openness for new experiences and challenges.

If you are interested in getting enrolled in one of our vocational trainings, you are welcome to contact us. Students have the possibility to rent an apartment for staff.

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Dietmar  Weigel
Chief Executive Director


Tel.+49 - (0)671 - 605 - 3465
Fax+49 - (0)671 - 605 - 3293
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Ringstr. 65
55543 Bad Kreuznach