Intercultural Strategies  
for International Success

Format of ISI



Didactic Concepts

Student and Teacher Mobility
The face to face meeting in Ireland facilitates not only student mobility, but also teacher mobility, by giving student and teachers of the participating universities an insight into what studying and working in another culture is like. They meet their colleagues from the partner universities and work in very close teams. As a result many of them choose to plan a longer stay abroad later on.

Online Learning
From October to January the participants take part in online Business Simulations where they simulate the procedures of a big international company by using the new media such as email, web pages, work fora and team blogs. They receive media training on which electronic format is best suites for which kind of communication.

Peer to Peer learning
Students are encouraged to learn from other students within the virtual and real teams. Theoretical input, critical inspection and solutions are not expected from the trainers, but from the other team members. The international team is collectively responsible for their results.

Interdisciplinary Teamwork
During the preparatory online course and the face to face seminar in Ireland, students from different fields work together in interdisciplinary teams. They found a virtual company and depending on their specific disciplines and backgrounds take on different roles in the simulation.

• "Just in Time" Learning
Learning does not happen for its own sake, but as a pre-requisite for solving specific tasks. As a consequence, the syllabus for the preparatory course as well as the face to face meeting is adapted to teaching only those skills and areas of knowledge which will be relevant at the next step of the project.




Course Format

Partner Institutions


Co-ordinator: Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Remagen
FH Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus



Page by: Marie Nilsson and Garvin Höfig


Supported by
European Commis
DG Education and Culture.

Last update: 09.11.2004