Celebrating festivals 2018New Year’s Market January 1, 2019 - January 6, 2019 hosted by: Stadt Speyer The Speyer New
Year’s market takes place in a historic setting. At the city centre, market
bustle awaits you in front of the Old Mint until Epiphany. Laetare Parade March 31, 2019 hosted by: Verkehrsverein e.V.
Speyer celebrates the end of winter with a colorful parade through the promenade “Maximilianstraße”. The Culture-in-a-Bag Festival March 15, 2019 - March 31, 2019 hosted by: Stadt Speyer Theatre, cabaret, music and crafts – this cultural festival is one of the finest and most-visited festivals of its kind in the metropolitan Rhine-Neckar region. Spring Fair April 5, 2019 - April 22, 2019 hosted by: Stadt Speyer
In addition to a large number of attractive fairground rides, an
abundance of food stands offering both hearty and sweet treats await visitors
on the Festplatz. A very special attraction is the firework that you can enjoy
on Easter Monday at 09:00pm. Wine-growers present their products, A Medieval
Marketplace April
26, 2019 - April 28, 2019
The Guild‘s Pole of Speyer April 27, 2019
hosted by: Speyerer Handwerkstradition e.V. Every
year, on the last Saturday in April, the guild pole is put up. A small festival
accompanies the event. Brazzel Day May 11, 2019 - May 12, 2019 Burning tyers, howling engines, rumbling vintage cars, the resounding alarm horn of the sea rescue cruiser and much more can be experienced at the "Brazzeltag" of the technical museum. The gryne ribbon May 17, 2019 - September 29, 2019 hosted by: Stadt Speyer The “Gryne Band” passes through the centre of Speyer in form of 120 colourfully planted flower boxes. All this will be complemented by a number of performances
Fun and Culture - Can they Mix? June 14, 2019
hosted by: Stadt Speyer You bet they can! Join us in proving it with exciting activities, music, dance and theatre. For culture night owls only. Music Festival July 4, 2019 - July 7, 2019 hosted by: Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz und Stadt Speyer This year’s motto of the summer residence of the Rhineland-Palatinate Orchestra is “Summery Lightness”
Pretzel Party July 11, 2019 - July 16, 2019
hosted by: Verkehrsverein e.V. The biggest public festival on the upper Rhine is an absolute must for residents of Speyer and their guests. For six days, there is turmoil on the fairgrounds beneath the cathedral. Every Sunday at the pretzel party – at 1:30pm – a colored pageant procession waltzes through the streets of the cathedral city.
The Emperor’s Table August 9, 2019 - August 11, 2019
hosted by: Verein zur Förderung der Hotellerie und Gastronomie in Speyer und Umgebung e.V. At the Emperor’s Table (Kaisertafel), Speyer’s restauranteurs and hotel owners offer everything that wine cellars and kitchens have to offer: culinary specialties, local and international, of incomparable variety, along with excellent in-between meals, featuring choice delicacies.
Oldtime Jazz Festival August 22, 2019 - August 25, 2019
hosted by: Stadt Speyer Lively and brash, vehement and elegant, traditional as well as contemporary - you never know just what you'll get at Speyer's annual jazz festival. hosted by: Mittelalterliche Phantasie Veranstaltungen The worldwide largest touring
festival of medieval culture takes place in the cathedral garden. Countless
music concerts, a medieval market and spectacular knight fights await you. hosted by: Stadt Speyer During the two-day festival visitors enjoy bands of several style as well as a rich variety of national and international culinary pleasures. A classic street festival for the senses, where happiness and vitality play a dominant role.
Farmer’s Market September 21, 2019 - September 22, 2019
hosted by: Bauernmarkt e.V. Vendors
from the anterior and southern Palatinate will present highly nutrious
self-grown products from their agricultural and vinicultural operations, country
arts and crafts, and invite you to taste regional specialties. International Music Days of the Cathedral of Speyer hosted by: Domkapitel und Stadt Speyer The music festival in the
cathedral city presents this summer once again internationally renowned
ensembles in the world’s largest Romanesque church.
Fall Fair October 25, 2019 - November 03, 2019
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
attractions such as amusement rides or wine booths ensure the entertainment of
young and old. Christmas and New
Year’s Market In the centre of the city, in front of the Old Mint, the magic of the Christmas Market awaits you with its numerous stands. An Arts and Crafts Market will be held on the weekends in Advent at the Courtyard of the Old Town Hall. Bengali fire rain will enchant the inner city during “The Old City Gate in Flames”. |