Speyer Apps

Relax while you explore the city and in the process, experience what’s worth knowing about its tourist attractions - and not have to worry about tour times and open hours.


Speyer Cathedral’s App

Cathedral App Dom zu Speyer © Bistum SpeyerOnly a few cathedrals in Germany have their own app. The Speyer Cathedral has its app now being implemented even in two foreign languages. The application is available for smartphones and tablets at the iTunes App Store, or from Google Play Store under  "Speyer Cathedral" or "Cathédrale de Spire" and is free to download. There are QR-Codes located at the Cathedral which points to the app. Wi-Fi access for quick download is decorated.

Cathedral App

QR-Code der Kaiserdom-App Students of the Cathedral high school, with the friendly support of various organizations in Speyer, have developed the Cathedral app.

This app, using various media, enables an exciting round trip through the city. As an added benefit, it imparts useful general knowledge as well as specialized knowledge and interesting information on the city of Speyer. Fun for the entire family

Tourist apps from the State of Rhineland-Palatinate

Are you planning to integrate your visit to Speyer with other tours in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate? Then you will find planning documents and hiking maps here.


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