What is epidat

epidat is a database

As a database for Jewish gravestone epigraphy, epidat is used to inventory, document, edit and present epigraphic holdings. Currently inscriptions of Jewish cemeteries from nine centuries and six countries are made available via chronological, spatial and thematic approaches.

Currently epidat contains 42,810 gravestones from 229 historical Jewish cemeteries.

epidat is a research plattform

As a research platform for Jewish gravestone epigraphy, epidat offers open interfaces to the research data according to the fair principles and is involved in interdisciplinary research projects and cooperations in the context of digital epigraphy and Jewish Studies.

epidat is a long-term epigraphic project

2002 Epidat has been programmed by Thomas Kollatz since 2002 and has been continuously developed since then.
2006The database and research platform was launched online in 2006.
2019Since March 2019 epidat is jointly developed within the framework of a scientific cooperation between the Salomon-Ludwig-Steinheim-Institute, Essen and the Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz.