Dom zu Speyer Ostteil

Dom zu Speyer Chorraum der Krypta

Dom zu Speyer Patrone an der Westfassade

Dom zu Speyer Samsonfigur romanische Bauzier

Dom zu Speyer Zwerggalerie auf der Südseite

Dom zu Speyer Taufkapelle St. Martin und St. Emeran

Dom zu Speyer Gotisches Relief der dort bestatteten Könige

Dom zu Speyer nördliches Seitenschiff Richtung Osten

Dom zu Speyer Blick von der Aussichtsplattform im Südwestturm auf die Osttürme

Welcome the Speyer Cathedral!

The Speyer Cathedral is an Episcopal church, a parish church and a pilgrimage destination.

The cathedral was consecrated in 1061 to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Protomartyr Stephen.

In 1981 the Speyer Cathedral was admitted to UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

You are cordially welcome to attend church services, devotions, and concerts as well as to use the cathedral for individual prayer.

The cathedral is open to visitors. You are welcome to explore the cathedral on your own, use one of our mediation services  or, in advance, book one of our tours. In addition there is also the possibility to climb up the southwest tower.

Visitation is not permitted during church services and special events. In rare cases there are different opening hours.