Schola Cantorum Saliensis


The “ScholaCantorumSaliensis“, was founded in 1995 by its director Christoph Keggenhoff in order to intensify the fostering of Gregorian music.  From its very beginnings, the chief aim of this ensemble was to present Gregorian choral music as both a well-grounded musicological tradition, as well as a living and breathing music that is still relevant. Besides the role it plays in musically supporting the liturgy in the Speyer Cathedral, the Schola also fulfills other interesting tasks in the liturgy and in concert performances. This group has performed in various places, amongst which are the Klosterkirche Bursfelde (Lower Saxony), the former abbey of Rommersdorft (near Neuwied), the former Cistercian abbey in Otterberg, as well as festival contributions (Euroklassik 2004, Cultural Summer Rhineland-Palatinate). The Schola has so far produced two albums: “O clemens, o pia” demonstrates an emphasis on Marian themes, while the CD “The Speyerer Gesangbuch von 1599” presents a musical journey through the ecclesiastical year with chants from one of the oldest German hymnals. 


Christoph Keggenhoff

Tel.: +49 6236/4494734 or +49 6232/209195

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