The Speyer Cathedral Choir

The Performance of Brahms‘Requiem
The Performance of Brahms‘Requiem

The Speyer Cathedral Choir can look back on an almost 1000-year tradition. Already in the ninth century, Speyer was home to a cathedral singing school, which would provide the foundations for the development of the cantor’s choir in the Middle Ages, as well as for the later founding of the Speyer Cathedral Choir.

The Speyer Cathedral Choir’s main area of responsibility is the musical accompaniment of chapter and pontifical masses on Sundays and holidays. Beyond this, the choir performs concerts nationally and internationally (Salzburg, Rom, Loreto, and St. Petersburgh, for example) for the general public, and is one of the main organizers and participants of the Speyer Cathedral International Music Festival.

Since the 1st of September 2009, the musical director of the Speyer Cathedral Choir has been Domkapellmeister Markus Melchiori.

The board of the Speyer Cathedral Choir is made up of the following individuals:

Ex officio members:

Dr. Christoph Kohl, Cathedral Deacon

Markus Melchiori, Domkapellmeister

Alexander Lauer, Cathedral Cantor

Elected members:

Frauke Liebscher-Kuhn (Chairwoman)

Susanne Scheidl

Oda Varel

Joachim Budde

Would you be interested in singing with us?

Tel.: +49 6232/10093-10 or Link zu einer E-Mail AdresseE-mail us.

Rehearsals normally take place every Friday between 7 pm and 9 pm.