The children and youths who are involved with the Speyer Cathedral Girls’ Choir and the Cathedral Boy Choristers receive a comprehensive musical-vocal education. Before they can learn the greatest works from the history of music, children must learn the fundamentals in rhythm, the reading of notes and intervals. Vocal lessons taught in small groups supplement the two times-a-week rehearsals. These lessons allow for the addressing of individual strengths and weaknesses in vocal performance, amongst the young chorus singers. Weekend rehearsals, meetings with other choirs and choir outings, round out the musical work.
The point of all this work is manifold. Children are first given the chance to experience the joys of singing and to discover the instrument of their own voice. Through their exposure to demanding choral music, children are given the chance to foster an appreciation for the richness and depth that music and musical texts have to offer. It is also beneficial to the Christian faith of the child, whose dealings with “sacred music” can strengthen his or her understanding of the role of faith in society and to musically proclaim it.
The musical repertoire of the Girls’ Choir and Boy Choristers is made up mostly of choral works specifically for female or male choirs; these are either sung a cappella or accompanied by instruments. These works are drawn from all manner of epochs, from Gregorian chants, through the works of the old masters, to the newest spiritual music and global choral music.
Working in close cooperation with the Speyer Cathedral Choir and the Cathedral Orchestra, oratory works from Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Bruckner and many other renowned composers have been performed with great success.
The offerings of the children and youth choirs are free of charge.
Tel.: +49 6232/102-132 or write us an E-Mail.