Matriculation for exchange students

After arrival you have to register as a student at the Fachhochschule. The following steps have to be taken: pay the social contribution(this is not a study fee) at a bank and collect the receipt (1). For Koblenz it costs 101,20 Euro, for H�hr-Grenzhausen 61,75 Euro and 175,70 Euro for Remagen.

Then you need the (2) health-insurance certificate, which you get from a local health insurance company. The nearest location is at the FH Campus Oberwerth, building "A". There you hand in either the E 128 form (which is available only for European citizens) or a private insurance certificate from your home country. If your insurance is not adequate you have to take out a German insurance.  Then fill in the matriculation form (3).

With the (1) social contribution receipt, (2) the health insurance certificate and (3) filled in matriculation form (which you get either from Studierendensekretariat, Auslandsamt or download it from the Internet) you are ready to register at the Studierendensekretariat, Rheinau 3-4, Oberwerth, building A, 1st floor, opposite Mensa (Restaurant).

Opening hours : 

  • Monday - Friday: 8 am - 12 am
  • and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 1 pm - 4 pm

IMPORTANT: There are different deadlines  for registration for exams in each faculty. Especially the faculty of business administration requires registration several weeks in advance (ask the assistant in the faculty).

Registration with the local authorities
After arrival in Koblenz a foreign citizen has to register with the authorities as follows:


All citizens from the European Union  have to register at the Residential Registration Office /B�rgeramt, located at Gymnasialstr. 4.
To bring with you
passport or personal ID and the rental contract.


Non EU-Citizens

Citizens from Non EU-States have to visit first  the office for foreigners, Ludwig-Erhard-Str.1, and then the Registration Office, Gymnasialstra�e 4.
 You have to bring:

  • Passport
  • Contract of tenancy
  • Student ID-card or confirmation from FH Koblenz
  • 2 photos
  • Health insurance confirmation

and  fill in the following forms:

  • Antrag auf Erteilung einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis (grey form)
  • Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausl�nders (blue form)


  •  Confirmation from ERASMUS (the Original / not a copy)


  • Confirmation of your parents (or other person) confirming their financial support during your stay (the Original / not a copy)

Important: The residence permit has to be picked up about 2 weeks later.
For ERASMUS-Students it is free, non-ERASMUS-Students have to pay 50 Euro.

Once you are registered at the Fachhochschule, you can begin with your studies. The most important person to get in contact with is your programme coordinator. Please contact her/him as soon as possible in order to arrange subjects you plan to take.
At the introduction meeting "who is who", arranged by the International Office, important people for the new students will be introduced and lots of information will be given such as the semester programme including excursions, international evening, sports and much more. You will  also meet other international and German students.

For further information you can also look on our notice board in building "G".

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