Creative Art Basics

Katja von Puttkamer (Katja Bette)

To start with, various graphic and painting-related basics are developed in my subject. Different techniques are to be tested and various thematic fields explored ranging from conventional drawing/painting via experimental material studies to photography and new media. This thematic field expansion is supposed to showcase an intentional contrast to the glass and ceramic design.

The aim is to create an independent piece of art according to a given subject, which can be freely chosen in its realization and the materials used; it is supposed to train an independent and responsible work style.
The created work shall be brought into some form of presentation, which - having been intellectually and conceptually substantiated - will be assessed as a term paper.

The beauty of a supermarket

This is anything but idyllic. But there where stressed urbanites used to escape to traditional summer resorts, it is no longer about the fresh air or splendid views across breath-takingly stunning countryside or pure untouched natural resources. It is the pleasurable experience of shopping which attracts and intoxicates people, the promise of free parking instead of charming countryside. And still you may discover a little left over romance in the small formate gouaches of the artist Katja von Puttkamer. Supermarkets and roadside billboards, garden centers and vast deserted parking lots show these works but the artist who lives in Ingelheim isn�t blinded by a few huts picturesquely scattered around and the associated artificial cosiness.

Her view behind the scenes at containers and stacks of pallets does not only reveal despair and desolation in its entirety beyond the bright colourful facades, it shows gloomy places that quietly drift along almost as one of the last places where the staging of artificial paradises leaves world and matters unharmed.


Page heading: Kultur, Ressort: Rhein-Main-Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 07.01.2004, Nr. 5, S. 42
All rights reserved. (c) F.A.Z. GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Courtesy of: Frankfurter Allgemeine Archiv

Education and Career

*1961      - Greven/Westfalen
1980        - A-levels (Abitur), Maria Ward Gymnasium, Mainz
1982        - Study at the �Akademie der Bildenden Künste�, Munich
1986        - Master class student at Professor Gerd Winner�s 
1988        - Debütantenpreis of the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich
1989/90 - DAAD-Scholarship, New York
1990        - Sponsorship Award Bildende Kunst, Kunstpreis Berlin, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
1992        - Künstlerinnenprogramm, Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Berlin
since 1993 - Living and working in Ingelheim/Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz
since 2002 - Lectureship at the Institute of Ceramic and Glass Arts, Fachhochschule Koblenz
2007       -  Lectureship at the University Koblenz Landau

Individual exhibition/Selection

1992        - Painting as a question of faith, Club Spittekolonnaden, Berlin
1992        - Figures - Images, cast collections of ancient sculptures, Berlin
1993        - eve´s garden, Kunstverein, Greven
                - Herr Professor Sie haben...... , Raum für Kunst und Zeit, Ingelheim
1995        - Harmonie jetzt oder nie, Galerie Sassen, Verviers
1997        - Frauen der Häuser, Fahrradhalle, Offenbach
1998        - Gartenidylle, Alte Propstei, Münstermaifeld
2001        - Ein Auto im Koffer, Kunst am Bau, Park & Ride, Ingelheim
2003        - Laendliche Idylle, Galerie Mühlfeld & Stohrer, Frankfurt
2004        -Landschaft, Das Geheimnis der Fotografie, Containerausstellung, Ingelheim
                - nirgendwo im überall, Raum für Kunst & Zeit, Ingelheim
2005        - Abraum, Galerie Mühlfeld & Stohrer, Frankfurt
2009        - Stadtmalerin, Kunstverein Gießen


1985/86   - Germination 3, Orangerie Kasse Karlsaue, De Beyerd Centrum voor beeldendekunst, Breda,
                     Centre des Expositions Esplanade Benoit Frachon, Montreuil/Paris
1987/88   - Forum junger Kunst, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Württembergischer Kunstverein,
1988        - Drei Debütantinnen, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, München
1990        - April´s fool show, Hunter Collage, New York
1991        - Kunst bei Henning, Henning Werke, Berlin
1994        - Künstler für Kinder, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
1996        - Schwabenheimer Kunstpfad, Schwabenheim
1997        - Silo, Fahrradhalle Offenbach zu Gast in Berlin
1999        - Keep your standard, Galerie Artis, Darmstadt
                - Kitchen Culture, auswärts Kunstraum, Frankfurt
2001        - auswärts Kunstraum e.V., Frankfurt 
                - 3 x  klingeln, 20 Künstler stellen in versch. Privatwohnungen aus, Mainz
2002        - Galerie Mühlfeld u. Stohrer, Frankfurt
2003        - Basarland, Vulkangalerie, Mainz
2004        - Basarland, Kunsthaus, Wiesbaden
                - art- Frankfurt, Galerie Mühlfeld und Stohrer
                - Kunstzone West, Volxheimer Kunstverein, Volxheim
2005        - 3 Jahre Galerie Mühlfeld & Stohrer, Frankfurt
2006        - Cologne Fine Art, Köln
                - Reiseandenken, mit Udo W. Gottfried, Bellevuesaal, Wiesbaden      
2007        - Haus-Tier, Nussbaum
                 - Idyll, Künstlerverein Walkmühle, Wiesbaden
2008        - Leben am Ende des Lebens, Bellevuesaal, Wiesbaden
2009        - Stored on the country, Galerie Rheingold, Oberdiebach
                 - Institute of Ceramic and Glass Arts, Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz

Works in public collections: Henning Pharma, Berlin; Deutsche Bank, Düsseldorf; Stadtwerke Mainz; BHF-Bank, Mainz; Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart.

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