Fachbereich Partnerhochschule Land
Architektur Aristotie University of Thessaloniki GR
Università degli studi G. D'Annunzio di Chieti I
Bialystok Technical University PL
Technical University of Gdansk PL
Izmir Institute of Technology TR
University of Lincolnshire & Humberside UK
Bauingenieurwesen Bialystok Technical University PL
  University of Sunshine Coast
Haute �cole Namuroise Catholique, Namur B
Lessius Handelshogeschool, Antwerpen B
Universidad de L�on E
Universidad Jaume I de Castell�n E
Corvinus University of Budapest HU
Universit� degli studi di Brescia, Brescia I
Universit� St.Joseph de Beyrouth LB
Kaunas University of Technology LT
University of Latvia, Riga LV
Fontys Hogeschoolen Eindhoven NL
College of Economics and Computer Science, Olsztyn PL
Umea Universitet S
University of Vaasa SF
University College Worcester UK
University of Brighton UK
St. Edwards University, Austin USA
Belarusian State University of Physical Culture BY
Betriebswirtschaft University of National and World Economy, Sofia BG
University of Southern Denmark DK
ESCIP, Ecole Sup. de Com. Intern. du Pas-de-Calais F
European School of Business, CERAM Sophia Antipolis F
Zagreb School of Economics and Management HR
Universitat Degli studi di Cassino I
University of Technology, Kaunas LT
University of Latvia, LV Riga 01, Lettland LV
University of Malta MT
Bialystok Technical University PL
Higher School of Bussiness in Gorzow PL
Politechnika Warszawska PL
Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir
University of Hacettepe, Ankara
The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen UK
  Pfeiffer University of Charlotte, North Carolina USA
St. Edwards University, Austin USA
Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza E
IUT de l'Universit� Paris Val de Marne (Paris XII), Paris F
Helsinki Business Polytechnic, Helsinki FIN
T.E.I. Athinas, Athens GR
T.E.I. Thessalonikis, Thessaloniki GR
Betriebswirtschaft Politechnika Opolska, Opole, Thessaloniki PL
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik �cole Nationale Sup�rieure de L'Electronique et des ses Applications, Cergy F
Universit� du Littoral, Dunkerque F
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Kaunas LT
Bialystok Technical University PL
Politechnika Opolska, Opole PL
H�me Polytechnic, Riihim�ki FIN
Yeditepe University, Istanbul
NEWI, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education UK
Universidad de Navarra E
Institute of Technology, Sligo IR
Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife E
IKKG University of Sydney AUS
�cole Sup�rieure des Arts D�coratifs de Strasbourg F
Gerrit Rietvield Academie, Amsterdam NL
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk PL
Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw PL
Marmara University, Istanbul TR
Edinburgh College of Art UK
Alfred University, New York USA
Glasgow School of Art UK
Maschinenbau University of West Bohemia in Pilsen CZ
  Universidad de Navarra, San Sebastián
Nagaoka University of Technology JAPAN
Bialystok Technical University PL
NEWI, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education UK
University of Florida USA
Mathematik und Technik University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba AUS
  University of the Sunshine Coast
Belarusian State University of Physical Culture BY
Züricher Hochschule Winterthur
Syddansk Universitet Odense DK
University of Technology, Kaunas LT
Bialystok Technical University PL
St. Edwards University, Austin USA
Sozialwesen Bundesakademie f�r Sozialarbeit, Wien A
Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, Dornbirn A
Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaandern, Kortrijk B
Fachhochschule St.Gallen CH
Universidad Complutense de Madrid E
Universidad de Valencia, Dept. Treball Social E
Universidad Jaume I de Castellón E
Universit� Paul Val�ry - Montpellier III F
Freie Universit�t Bozen I
Ecole Supérieure en Travail Educatif et Social, Strasbourg F
Universit� degli studi di Bologna I
Universit� degli studi di Messina I
National University of Ireland, Maynooth IRL
Universit� Rennes 2 F
University of Latvia, LV Riga 01, Lettland LV
University of Malta MT
Diaconia College Center, Oslo N
Kauno Technologijos Universitetass, Kaunas LT
Université du Luxembourg
Fontys Hogeschoolen Eindhoven NL
Hogeschool Zuyd, Maastricht NL
Instituto Superior Bissaya Barreto, Coimbra P
Uniwersytet Lódzki, Lodz PL
Universitatea Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca
Mid Sweden University, �stersund S
University of Presov SK
Northern College of Education, Dundee UK
University College St. Martin, Lancaster UK
St. Edwards University, Austin USA
  University of Malaga E
Universitat de Barcelona, Fakultat de Pedagogia E
  Copenhagen College of Social Work DK
  University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn PL
Hacettepe University, Ankara TR
Werkstofftechnik Glas und Keramik Universidad Jaume I de Castell�n E
Nagaoka University of Technology JAPAN
Anadolu University, Eskiseh TR


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