Welcome to the University of Applied Sciences � Fachhochschule Koblenz
The team of the international Office welcomes you and informes you about the offers for foreign students.
For matriculation (registration) of new students (german and foreign students) the office responsible is the "Studierendensekretariat" student�s office.
After matriculation, that means once a student is registered, the International Office gives help and advice to international students.
On the sites �Studieren in Koblenz f�r Gaststudierende = Study in Koblenz for exchange students� you find information about:
Student Union = AStA
The christian university communities such as:
ESG = Evangelische Studentinnen- und Studenten Gemeinde = Protestant Student�s Community and
KHG = Katholische Hochschulgemeinde = Catholic Student�s Community
Advice Association KOSINUS = www.study-in-koblenz.de
Information for Language Classes and
German Course (this course is free of charge and it is only one course for better integration � not as a main subject such as preparation for the German Language Competence test which is obligatory for matriculation)
Transport, Cost of Living, Telefon and more.
At the beginning of each semester the International Office arranges for all new students an introduction meeting �who is who� where important persons for the new students will be introduced and lots of information will be handed out such as:
The semester programme including excursions, international evening, lists of addresses to find student�s jobs and information to tutorials (tutorials will be organised if needed) and much more.
If desired we can arrange for a local student guide to get better integrated. Let us know.
The Team of the International Office:
Anne Dommershausen, B.Sc., Head of the International Office
Tel.: +49(0)261 - 9528-243
Ursula K�nig, counselling, information, guidance for foreign students
Tel.: +49(0)261 - 9528-209
Anke Brenner, study abroad � worldwide studies
Tel.: +49(0)261 - 9528-244
Fax: +49 (0)261 - 9528-225
E-mail: aaafh-koblenz.de
Internet: www.fh-koblenz.de
Standort: Campus Oberwerth, Rheinau 3-4. Geb�ude G, 1. Stock, Zimmer 202-204
Jutta Ems, Socrates/ ERASMUS � Office � study abroad
Tel.: +49(0)261 - 9528 - 191
Fax: +49(0)261 - 56953
E-mail: eccefh-koblenz.de
Standort: Campus Oberwerth, Rheinau 3-4, Villa F
We look forward meeting you!