The RheinAhrCampus
University of Applied Sciences in Northern Rhineland Palatinate
The town of Remagen on the river Rhine lies close to the Ahr valley, to the Eifel countryside, and to Bonn, the former capital of Germany. Once a Celtic-Roman settlement ‘Rigomagus’, Remagen became a university town in 1998.
The newly established RheinAhrCampus is located on the Golden Mile, close to the famous Remagen Bridge. Besides Koblenz and Höhr-Grenzhausen, it is the third site of the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.
The exterior of the campus complex is characterised by the two main wings, forming its sides, and the connecting buildings for the refectory, the assembly hall and the computer centre. The highlight of the complex is the library, a circular building with a panorama view of the river Rhine. Together with two language laboratories, the video laboratory and the computer centre, it forms the media centre.
Even though each of the two departments is based in one of the two main wings, they are not separated; rather they reflect the overall concept of joint and interdisciplinary learning.
The Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences), an internationally recognised type of higher education institution, offers undergraduate programmes (B.A., B.Sc.) of six semesters (including at least one practical phase) and graduate programmes (M.A., MBA, M.Sc.) of four semesters. The traditional Diplom degree programmes are phasing out.
Research and development, as well as scientific continuing education, have become compulsory tasks for the Fachhochschule.
Thus, the RheinAhrCampus is well prepared to provide different forms of practice-related academic qualifications and scientific supervision of innovative projects reflecting technology, business and social affairs.