7th EUROPT Workshop
“Advances in Continuous Optimization”
July 3-4, 2009, Remagen, Germany
Deadlines and Registration
Abstract submissions: April 24, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 4, 2009
Early Registration: May 15, 2009
• Registration fees:
- registration prior to May 15, 2009: 150 Euro (students: 75 Euro)
- registration after May 15, 2009: 200 Euro (students: 100 Euro)
The registration fee includes reception, coffee breaks, conference materials and the conference
• Registration procedure:
a) If you intend to give a talk, please register via the abstract submission page Abstract submission.
Make sure that there you provide your complete information for the fields
First Name
Last Name
b) In case that you wish to participate in the workshop without giving a talk, please send an email with the complete information mentioned in a) above to europt2009wior.uni-karlsruhe.de.
To complete your registration, please pay the conference fee to the following account (by the 12th of June at the latest).
From within Germany (please note that it is essential to state the "Verwendungszweck" correctly):
Kontoinhaber: Landeshochschulkasse Mainz (Schillerstr. 9, 55116 Mainz)
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank (Filiale Mainz, Hegelstr. 65, 55122 Mainz)
Kto-Nr.: 550 015 11
BLZ: 550 000 00
Verwendungszweck: 0963-28202-2052023 - EUROPT, your name
From outside of Germany (please note that it is essential to state the "Reason for transfer" correctly):
Account holder: Landeshochschulkasse Mainz (Schillerstr. 9, 55116 Mainz)
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank (Filiale Mainz, Hegelstr. 65, 55122 Mainz)
IBAN: DE 25 5500 0000 0055 0015 11
Reason for transfer: 0963-28202-2052023 - EUROPT, your name