ISIS – Intercultural Stragegies for International Success
Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
Sabrina Jacksteit, Matthias Göring, Benjamin Baschab
University of Brighton UK; Umea University SE; inter.research Institute of interdisciplinary research e.V. DE; Lessius Hogeschool BE; Volkshochschule Köln DE; Achill Island Arts and Cultural Links Alliance IE; Fondacion Universitaria Iberoamericana ES; Haute Ecole Namuroise Catholique BE; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan IT
Sokrates Programm - Generaldirektion Bildung und Kultur (EU)
Okt/03 bis Sep/09
The project is aimed at Business, Technical and Humanities students in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and Britain and will focus on combining academic work and intercultural communication.
Students from at least 8 different cultures take part in a three-month preparatory online seminar on intercultural training as an accompanying module for their curricular language learning. The culminating point is the 11-day intensive seminar in a contact situation with all cultures involved. During this seminar the students will compare the theory of Intercultural Communication as learned in their preparatory online course with the actual experience of face-to-face exposure to the different cultures.
The combined module (online preparation seminar and contact seminar) will
- empower students to prepare for international careers (incl. CV-writing, job interviews, etc.)
- contain culture-general elements such as theoretical communications models, intercultural theories, etc. (e.g. "monochronic vs. polychronic cultures")
- contain culture-specific elements of civilisation/ Landeskunde /Realia (example cultures will be England and the Republic of Ireland)
- involve distance learning as preparation for the intensive face-to-face seminar
Following the model "From Virtual to Real", the students first take part in online simulation activities and then meet each other personally in Ireland to carry out their practical intercultural projects in the community.
IATEFL Conference, Liverpool 2004