L-TXM – Laboratory Transmission X-Ray Microscope
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wilhein
David Schäfer, M.Sc.
ACCEL Instruments GmbH, FhG- ILT Aachen, KTH Stockholm, BESSY, FhG-IOF Jena, IfG GmbH, Max-Born-Institut (Berlin), Laser-Laboratorium Göttingen, Microliquids, Universität Würzburg
09/05 bis 12/09
X-ray microscopy is today mostly performed at synchrotron facilities. Laboratory x-ray microscopy requires compact x-ray sources with high brightness. Typically x-ray microscopy in the water window is performed at 2.4 nm near the oxygen K-edge to minimize absorption by oxygen. Laser plasma emission of liquid nitrogen laser plasma source provides line emission at 2.48 nm. The design of the laser plasma chamber containing the liquid jet system is based on former developments at the KTH Stockholm. The laser system development takes place at ILT Aachen. This laser system is based on slab technology and will result in a prototype with 1kHz repetition rate , <1ns pulse duration and 100mJ pulse energy. It can be expected that these laser parameters will increase the output of the liquid nitrogen laser plasma source by 2-3 orders of magnitude comparing to commercial laser systems. Parallel to the development of the source a close cooperation between the MBI, BESSY, the IOF Jena and IfG GmbH further development of the microscope optics takes place. Here new zone plates as objective optics and several types of condenser optics, as zone plates, multilayer and glass capillary will be investigated. Another source concept using an electrical discharge in nitrogen is being developed at the ILT in Aachen. In collaboration with the RheinAhrCampus Remagen, a experimental laboratory microscope has been built and studied. This source has shown the potential of recording images of test objects like Siemensstars, diatoms and dried biological cells with diffraction limited spatial resolution of about 37 nm within a few ten seconds.
M. Benk, K. Bergmann, D. Schäfer, T. Wilhein, Compact soft x-ray microscope using a gas-discharge light source, Opt. Lett. 33, 2359-2361 (2008)
D. Schäfer, T. Nisius, S. Rausch, Tabletop X-ray Microscope DPG Annual Meeting 2006, Q 54.6 (2006) (Vortrag)
D. Schäfer, T. Nisius, R. Früke, S. Rausch, M. Wieland, U. Vogt, T. Wilhein, Compact X-ray microscopes for EUV- and soft X-radiation with spectral imaging capabilities; in: Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics, Components, and Applications, Proc. SPIE 6317, 631704 (2006) (Vortrag)
D. Schäfer, M. Benk, K. Bergmann, T. Nisius, U. Wiesemann, T. Wilhein, Optical setup for tabletop soft X-ray microscopy at electrical discharge sources; in: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1xx xxxxx (3pp) (2008) (in Druck)
M. Benk, D. Schäfer, T. Wilhein and K. Bergmann, High power soft x-ray source based on a discharge plamsa; in: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1xx xxxxx (3pp) (2008) (in Druck)