LIPS - Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
Dipl. Inf. Marcus Fessler
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bonn, Germany; Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy; EURO P.A. Bruxelles, Belgium; FGULEM - La Fundatión General de la Universidad de Léon y de la Empresa, Spain; Global Brain Network, Fulda, Germany; Houses of Notaries, Vilnius, Lithuania; ILT, Cologne, Germany; Institut inter.research e.V., Fulda, Germany; JEUNE - Entrepreneurs de I'Union, Bruxelles, Belgium; Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, Vilnius, Lithuania; Pécsi Tudományegyetem Pécs, Hungary; Things English AB, Umeå, Sweden; University of Applied Sciences, Fulda, Germany; Universidad de León, León, Spain; Umeå Universitet Umeå, Sweden; Visus Ottica de Elena Pellaschiar, Trieste, Italy
Leonardo da Vinci II Programme, Unterprogramm: Sprachenkompetenz
Okt/05 bis Sep/07
The project develops pilot measures to improve students' skills and competences for their successful completion of work experiences abroad. In collaboration with potential employers and students, key situations were identified and build a fundament for the development of an innovative media-based online learning course (including interactive media applications such as “Moodle”, “Podcast” or the creation process of “photo stories”) which will be tested during the pilot phase and implemented after the successful completion of the LIPS-project.
This online course is moderated for the whole duration. Most of the tasks in the course involve groupwork using our virtual classroom, which is equipped with various communication tools, e.g. forums, Wikis and a chat room. Each module starts with a short intro clip describing the structure and the tasks of the current week. The online course, the main element for the preparation, is supplemented by a printed guideline for students and by the intercultural Podcast which enables a more mobile way of learning, by listening to enjoyable intercultural issues.
Course facts:
• 12 weeks length
• 11 moderated modules
• prepares for real life situations
• 2 hours workload per week
• Communication in English
• Maximum of 18 participants
• Supported by audio and video
• Certificate at the end
Pressemitteilungen und Artikel:
01/07 "Hohe Auszeichnung für FH, International ganz vorn: Hochschule entwickelt herunterladbares Internet-Radioprogramm", the Edublog Winner
06/06 Press article, "117 universitarios realizarán prácticas en empresas europeas"
05/06 Press release, concerning the project meeting in Remagen "Exploring new ways for successful internships"
11/05 Bonner Generalanzeiger, "Neues Programm lehrt das Brückenbauen im Ausland"
11/05 Remagener Nachrichten, "RheinAhrCampus erhält Zuschlag zu internationalen Forschungsprojekt
05/07 Bundessprachenkonferenz
05/07 LIPS and Absolutely Intercultural in the WiAOC 2007 online CONNECT conference
11/06 Seminar "Well prepared for an internship abroad", 28 November, University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Germany
11/06 DAAD Seminar Auslandspraktika, 20. - 22. November 2006 in Bonn, Germany
10/06 Sokrates/Erasmus Regionaltagung des DAAD, in Berlin, Germany 19. - 20. October 2006
09/06 LIPS has been presented at the International Conference for Crafts and SMEs ("Internationella affärer för dig som är ung företagare"), 27-28 September 2005 in Gothenburg, Sweden
09/06 Sokrates/Erasmus - Regionaltagung des DAAD, 7. - 8. September in Münster, Germany
09/06 Round table Session at the EAIE conference, 13. - 16. September in Basel, Switzerland
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