Selected Publications:
- Lu, L. ,Teixeira, V., Yuan, Z, Graham, T., Endesfelder, D., Krishna, K., Al-Juffali, N., Nicholson, A., Falzon, M., Kschischo, M., Swanton, C., Wright, N., Carroll, B., Watt, F., George, J., Jensen, K., Giangreco, A. Janes, S. LRIG1 regulates cadherin-dependent contact inhibition directing epithelial homeostasis and preinvasive squamous cell carcinoma development. Under review at the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
- Kahm, M., Navarrete, C., Llopis-Torregrosa, V., Herrera, R., Barreto, L., Yenush, L., Arinho, J., Ramos, J. and Kschischo, M. Potassium Starvation in Yeast: Mechanisms of Homeostasis Revealed by Mathematical Modeling. PLoS Comput Biol 8(6): e1002548. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002548 (2012).
- Lee, A.J.X., Roylance, R. Sander, J., Gorman, P., Endesfelder, D., Kschischo, M., Jones, N.P. and East, P., Nicke, B., Spassieva, S., Obeid, L.M. and Birkbak, N.J. and Szallasi, Z., McKnight, N.C. and Rowan, A.J., Speirs, V., Hanby, A.M. Downward, J., Tooze, S.A. and Swanton, C. CERT depletion predicts chemotherapy benefit and mediates cytotoxic and polyploid- specific cancer cell death through autophagy induction. The Journal of Pathology 226, 482-494, (2012).
- Roylance, R., Endesfelder, D.,Gorman, P. A., Burrel, R., Sander, J., Well, I. , Hanby, A., Spiers, V.,Richardson, A., Birkbak, N. J., Eklund, A. C., Downward, J., Kschischo, M., Szallasi, Z. and Swanton, C. Relationship of Extreme Chromosomal Instability with Superior Long-term Survival in a Retrospective Analysis of ER-Negative Primary Breast Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers. Prev July 22 (2011).
- Endesfelder, D., McGranahan, N., Birkbak, N.J., Szallasi, Z., Kschischo, M., Graham, T. and Swanton, C. A breast cancer meta-analysis of two expression measures of chromosomal instability reveals a relationship with younger age at diagnosis and high risk histopathological variables. Oncotarget 2, 529-537 (2011).
- Lee, A.J., Endesfelder, D., Rowan, A.J., Walther, A., Birkbak, N.J., Futreal, A., Downward, J.,Szallasi, Z., Tomlinson, I.P., Howell, M., Kschischo, M. and Swanton, C. Chromosomal Instability Confers Intrinsic Multi-Drug Resistance. Cancer Research 71, 1858-1870 (2011).
- Paeth, H., Lindenberg, J., Kschischo, M. and Hense, A. How dynamic models can learn from the data - an example with a simplified ENSO model. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, online first (2010).
- Kschischo, M. A gentle introduction to the thermodynamics of biochemical stoichiometric networks in steady state. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 187, 255-274 (2010).
- Kahm, M., Hasenbrink, G., Lichtenberg-Frate , H., Ludwig, J. and Kschischo, M. Grofit: Fitting biological growth curves with R. Journal of Statistical Software, 33 (2010). URL
- Swanton, C., Nicke, B., Schuett, M., Eklund, A. C., Ng, C., Li, Q., Hardcastle, T., Lee, A., East, P., Kschischo, M., Endesfelder, D., Wylie, P., Nyun Kim, S., Chen, J.G., Howell, M., Ried, T., Habermann, J.K., Auer, G., Brenton, J.D., Szallasi, Z., Downward, J. Chromosomal Instability Determines Taxane Response. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA , 106 , 8671-8676 (2009).
- Hasenbrink G., Kolacna L., Ludwig J., Sychrova H., Kschischo M., Lichtenberg-Frate , H. Ring test assessment of the mKir2.1 growth based assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using parametric models and model-free fits. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 73, 1212-1221 (2007).
- Kschischo, M. Stochastische Signalkaskaden mit Rückkopplung. In Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation, eds. Thorsten Pöschel, Horst Malchow, Lutz Schimansky-Geier., Logos Verlag Berlin (2006).
- Kschischo, M., Kern, R., Gieger, C.,Steinhauser, M. and Tolle, R. Automatic Scoring and Quality Assessment Using Accuracy Bounds for FP-TDI SNP Genotyping Data. Applied Bioinformatics, 4 , 75-84 (2005).
- Kschischo, M., Lässig, M. and Yu, Y.-K. Toward an Accurate Statistics of Gapped Alignments. Bull. Math. Biol. 67, 169-191 (2005).
- Rychlewski, L., Kschischo, M., Dong, L., Schutkowski, M. and Reimer, U. Target Specificity Analysis of the Abl Kinase using Peptide Microarray Data. J. Mol. Biol. 336, 307-311 (2004).