Selected Publications
- Swanton, C., Nicke, B., Schuett, M., Eklund, A.C., Ng, C., Li, Q., Hardcastle, T., Lee, A., East, P., Kschischo, M., Endesfelder, D., Wylie, P., Nyun Kim, S., Chen, J.G., Howell, M., Ried, T., Habermann, J.K., Auer, G., Brenton, J.D., Szallasi, Z., Downward, J.
Chromosomal Instability Determines Taxane Response, submitted to Cancer Cell
Supplemental material
- Hasenbrink G., Koláčná L., Ludwig J., Sychrová H., Kschischo M., Lichtenberg-Fraté H. (2007) Ring test assessment of the mKir2.1 growth based assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using parametric models and model-free fits. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 73, 1212-1221.
- Kschischo, M. (2006) Stochastische Signalkaskaden mit Rückkopplung. In „Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation“, eds. Thorsten Pöschel, Horst Malchow, Lutz Schimansky-Geier. Logos Verlag Berlin.
- Kschischo, M; Kern, R. Gieger, C.; Steinhauser, M. and Tolle, R. (2005) Automatic Scoring and Quality Assessment Using Accuracy Bounds for FP-TDI SNP Genotyping Data. Applied Bioinformatics, 4 , 75-84.
- Kschischo, M., Lässig, M. and Yu, Y.-K. (2005) Toward an Accurate Statistics of Gapped Alignments. Bull. Math. Biol. 67, 169–191.
- Rychlewski, L., Kschischo, M., Dong, L., Schutkowski,M. and Reimer, U. (2004) Target Specificity Analysis of the Abl Kinase using Peptide Microarray Data. J. Mol. Biol. 336, 307-311.
- Gieger, C. and Kschischo, M. (2002) Managing biological knowledge using text clustering and feature extraction. In Klinke, S., Ahrend, P. and Richter, L. (2002) Proceedings of the CompStat 2002, Berlin, Germany.
- Kschischo, M. and Lässig, M. (2000) Finite Temperature Sequence Alignment. Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 5, 621-632.