Publikationen aus dem Jahr 2007
M. Lindblom, T. Tuohimaa, A. Holmberg, T. Wilhein, H. M. Hertz, U. Vogt
High-resolution differential interference contrast X-ray zone plates: Design and fabrication
Spectroch. Acta B 62 (6-7), 539-543 (2007)
T. Nisius, D. Schäfer, R. Früke, T. Wilhein
Wavefront analysis and beam profiling from 40 eV up to 40 keV
Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics, Components and Application, Proc. SPIE 6317 (2007)
D. Schäfer, T. Nisius, R. Früke, S. Rausch, M. Wieland, U. Vogt. and T. Wilhein
Compact x-ray microscopes for EUV- and soft x-radiation with spectral imaging capabilities
Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics, Components and Application, Proc. SPIE 6317 (2007)