Degree Programmes
The Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences), an internationally recognised type of higher education institution, offers undergraduate and graduate programmes.
The following Diplom degree courses are phasing out (as they have been replaced by the newly implemented B.A., B.Sc., M.A., M.Sc. and MBA programmes listed underneath):
Department of Business and Social Management
Department of Mathematics and Technology
- 'Biomathematics'
- 'Business Mathematics'
- 'Medical Engineering and Sports-Medical Engineering'
- 'Laser Engineering'
Bachelor (six semesters including one practical phase):
The following programmes for undergraduate study are now available:
- Biomathematics (B.Sc.)
- Business Administration: Health Care and Social Services Management (B.A.)
- Business Administration: Logistics and E-Business (B.A.)
- Business Administration: Sports Management (B.A.)
- Business Mathematics (B.Sc.)
- Educational and Social Management in Early Childhood (B.A. - Distance learning course)
- Measurement Engineering and Sensor Technology (B.Sc.)
- Medical Engineering and Sports Medical Engineering (B.Sc.)
- Optics and Laser Engineering (B.Sc.)
Master (four semesters):
The following programmes for graduate study are now available:
- Applied Physics (M.Sc.)
- Business Administration: Health Care and Social Services Management (M.A.)
- Business Administration: Logistics and E-Business (M.A.)
- Mathematics in Finance and Life Science (M.Sc.)
- MBA (Distance learning course)
All degree courses cover intersections between different academic disciplines and areas of practical work. All the B.A., B.Sc., M.A., M.Sc. and MBA programmes have been accredited by AQAS, an internationally recognised accreditation agency.
They combine broad basic training with moderate specialisation.
They aim to develop social competence and to support personal growth.