Practical Exercises in Logistics and E-Business
Jens Andreas Faulstich welcomed the students of this year's Maymester Program to Remagen. In an introductory session, two Australian exchange students introduced the Coastal students and the German summer school participants about their study abroad and internship options at RheinAhrCampus Remagen.
Afterwards Nicole Dedenbach and Angela Rossbach offered a workshop introducing the visitors to the basic concept of the RheinAhrCampus degree course on Logistics and e-Business as well as the facilities of the laboratory.
Then the students were able to take a hands-on approach and explore some of the lab experiments in small groups. Thus, they could acquire some first insights into software-based simulations of logistical systems, event driven process chains, the use of RFID tags, the determination of bursting strengths, the campus (through a QR Code campus rally!).
An excursion to TRW Automotive in Koblenz enabled the students to familiarise themselves with the logistical structures and solutions of a leading producer of brake systems and other safety systems for the automobile sector. The guided tour highlighted the system of material flows and signals which helps to ensure efficiency and reliability.
Social activities like the Rheinlust Meeting and the Rheinauen BBQ helped to foster informal communication and personal contacts. In addition, a visit to Fortress Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz added some interesting insights into German history to the program - and some spectacular views of the city and its rivers!
This module was part of an intensive study program for Part I of the International Summer School Program organised by Coastal Carolina University, HS Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and RheinAhrCampus Remagen.
Contact the course co-organisers
Prof. Dr. Darla Domke Damonte (CCU), Associate Prof. Dr. Richard Martin (CCU), Assistant Prof. Dr. Monica Fine, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bode (HS BRS), Dipl-Kaufm. Karsten Heinrich (HS BRS), Jens Andreas Faulstich M.A. (RAC), Dipl-Bw. (FH) Nicole Dedenbach (RAC), Angela Rossbach M.A. (RAC)