Excursion to Deutsche Welle, Bonn
During the excursion to the Deutsche Welle, CCU and RAC students had an opportunity to learn more about the mission and the social media activities of Deutsche Welle.
After a thorough introduction and a visit to one of the broadcasting studios, the students were provided with some in-depth information about the current and future social media activities of Deutsche Welle. This was especially interesting because Deutsche Welle is the "media voice" of Germany and broadcasts its programs in 30 different languages all over the world. Two representatives of the social media team explained that the use of social media varies a lot - not only due to the different languages, but also due to the cultural backgrounds of the respective audiences. While people in developing countries receive the programs mostly via radio or television, more and more people in wealthier countries shift to digital devices like mobile phones or tablet computers.
We would like to thank the DW Visitors Center for some very interesting insights into their international goals and their social media commitments.