Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohl-Bareis
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohl-Bareis
RheinAhrCampus Remagen
Südallee 2
D-53424 Remagen
T: 02642 / 932-342
F: 02642 / 932-399
head of Biomedical Optics Laboratory of RheinAhrCampus
Curriculum Vitae:
1981-1988 student of physics, Freie Universität Berlin and Univ. of Nottingham, UK
1988 diploma thesis in atomic physics: ‘High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of Free Atoms’
1993 PhD thesis in Medical Physics, Freie Universität Berlin: ’Imaging of tumours by laser-induced fluorescence’
1988-1993 research assistant, group ’Medizinische Meßtechnik’, Physikalisch - Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin.
1993-1996 research fellow, Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London, UK
1997-2001 research fellow, Department of Neurology, Charité, Humboldt University Berlin
since 2001 professor at RheinAhrCampus Remagen, Univ. of Applied Sciences Koblenz
- Physics I – III
- Optics
- Advanced Experimental Physics
- Computational Science III
- Laser Medicine and Biomedical Optics
Proceedings of Photon Propagation in Tissue IV, SPIE Vol. 3566 Editors: D. A. Benaron, B. Chance, M. Ferrari, M. Kohl (1998) |
Aktuelle Methoden der Laser- und Medizinphysik, Editors: U. Hartmann, M. Kohl-Bareis, P. Hering, G. Lonsdale, J. Bongartz and T. M. Buzug (Eds.), VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. |
Physikalische Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, Editors: T. M. Buzug, U. Hartman, A. Hülster, M. Kohl-Bareis und T. Wilhein (Eds.), VDI Fortschritt-Bericht, Reihe 17: Biotechnik/Medizintechnik, Nr. 231, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2003. |
Advances in Medical Engineering, Springer Series: Proceedings in Physics 114, T. M. Buzug, D. Holz, J. Bongartz, M. Kohl-Bareis, U. Hartmann, S. Weber (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007. |
Research Articles:
1. Rinneberg H., Neukammer J., König A., Vietzke K., Hieronymus H., Kohl M., Jönsson G. (1986) High-n Rydberg Atoms in External Fields. in: Highly Excited States of Atoms and Molecules, S. Kano, M. Matsuzawa (Eds.), 7 - 16
2. Rinneberg H., Neukammer J., König A., Vietzke K., Hieronymus H., Kohl M., Grabka H.-J., Jönsson G. (1987) High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of Ba Rydberg Atoms. Hyperfine Interactions 38, 515-530
3. Kohl M., Neukammer J., Rinneberg H., Stahlmann H. (1987) Imaging of Laser-induced fluorescence emitted by tumor localizing photosensitizers. In: Biosensors, Applications in Medicine, Environmental Protection, and Process Control. R.D. Schmid, F. Scheller (Eds.); GBF Monographs Vol. 13, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim, 385-387
4. Rinneberg H., Neukammer J., König A., Vietzke K., Hieronymus H., Kohl M., Grabka H.-J., Jönsson G. (1987) Highly Excited Barium Rydberg States in External Fields. Laser Spectroscopy VIII, Proc.8. Intern. Conf. Are (Schweden), W. Persson, S. Svanberg (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 183-184
5. Neukammer J., Rinneberg H., Vietzke K., König A., Hieronymus H., Kohl M., Grabka H.-J., Wunner G. (1987) Spectroscopy of Rydberg atoms at n = 500: Observation of quasi-Landau resonances in low magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2947-2950
6. König A., Neukammer J., Vietzke K., Kohl M., Grabka H.-J., Hieronymus H., Rinneberg H. (1988) Transition from Magnetic to Electric Field (F || B) Dominated Spectra of Barium at Threshold. Phys. Rev. A 38, 547-550
7. Rinneberg H., Neukammer J., Kohl M., König A., Vietzke K., Hieronymus H., Grabka H.-J. (1989) Highly Excited Barium Rydberg Atoms in External Electric, Magnetic, and Combined Fields. Atomic Spectra and Collisions in External Fields. K.T. Taylo, M.H. Nayfeh and C.W. Clark (Eds.), Plenum Press, 193-213
8. Hieronymus H., Kohl M., Neukammer J., König A., Rinneberg H., Springer-Bolk H (1990) Perturbed angular distribution of electrons following photoionization of 6sns 1S0 barium Rydberg states. Phys. Rev. A 41, 1477-1491
9. Kohl M., Neukammer J., Sukowski U., Rinneberg H., Sinn H.-J., Friedrich E. A., Graschew G., Schlag P., Wöhrle D. (1991) Imaging of tumors by time-delayed laser-induced fluorescence. SPIE 1525, 26-34
10. Ebert B., Hanke Th., Kohl M., Sukowski U., Haseloff R., Naether N., Roeder B., Rinneberg H. (1991) LB films as a model system for photosensitizers in membranes. Proceedings of the 13th Annual International IEEE Conference "New Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering - Innovations from Nuclear to Space Technology", 1533
11. Kohl M., Neukammer J., Sukowski U., Rinneberg H., Sinn H.-J., Friedrich E. A., Graschew G., Schlag P., Wöhrle D. (1992) In-vitro imaging of tumors by delayed fluorescence. In: Laser in der Medizin / in Medicine, ed. by: W. Waidelich, R. Waidelich, A. Hofstetter; Springer, 312-316.
12. Wöhrle D., Ardeschirpur A., Heuermann A., Müller S., Graschew G., Rinneberg H., Kohl M., Neukammer J. (1992) Polymeric porphyrins as new photocatalysts in photodynamic therapy of cancer. Macromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 59, 17 - 33
13. Kohl M., Sukowski U., Ebert B., Neukammer J., Rinneberg H., Nowak Ch. (1993) Imaging of superficially growing tumors by delayed observation of laser-induced fluorescence SPIE 1881
14. Kohl M., Neukammer J., Sukowski U., Rinneberg H., Friedrich E. A., Sinn H.-J., Wöhrle D., Schlag P., Graschew G., Maier-Borst W. (1993) In vitro imaging of tumors by time-delayed fluorescence. In: Optics in Life Sciences, ed. by G. von Bally; Springer Series
15. Kohl M., Neukammer J., Sukowski U., Rinneberg H., Wöhrle D., Sinn H.-J., Friedrich E. A.(1993) Delayed observation of laser-induced fluorescence for imaging of tumors Appl. Physics B56, 131-138
16. Kohl M., Essenpreis M., Böcker D., Cope M. (1994) Influence of glucose concentration on light scattering in tissue-simulating phantoms Optics Lett 19, 2170-2172
17. Kohl M., Essenpreis M., Cope M. (1995) Influence of glucose concentration upon the transport of light in tissue simulating phantom Phys. Med. Bio.l 40, 1267-1287
18. Kohl M., Essenpreis M., Böcker D., Cope M. (1995) Glucose induced changes in scattering and light transport in tissue simulating phantoms SPIE 2389, 780-788
19. Watson R., Kohl M., O'Brien P., Lawrence S., Delpy D. T., Cope M. (1996) Fetal Brain Oxygenation during Labor studied by Frequency Domain Spectroscopy OSA Proceedings: Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics 117-122
20. Kohl M., Watson R., Cope M. (1996) New method for the absolute determination of absorption coefficients in highly scattering media in frequency domain Optics Letters 21, 1519-1521
21. O’Brien P., Lawrence S., Watson R., Kohl M., Wyatt J., Delpy D. T. (1996) Intrapartum fetal cerebral near infrared spectroscopy: apparent change in oxygenation demonstrated in a nonviable fetus Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol 103, 1053-1054
22. Simpson R., Laufer J., Kohl M., Essenpreis M., Cope M. (1997) Absorption and scattering properties of dermis and subdermis measured in vitro for near infra red wavelength SPIE 2979, 307-313
23. Heekeren H., Wenzel R., Obrig H., Ruben J., Ndayisaba J.-P., Luo Q., Dale A., Nioka S., Kohl M., Dirnagl U., Villringer A., Chance B. (1997) SPIE 2979, 847-858
24. Kohl M., Watson R., Cope M. (1997) Optical properties of highly scattering media determined from changes in attenuation, phase and modulation depth SPIE 2979, 365-374
25. Kohl M., Watson R., Chow G., Roberts I., Delpy D. T., Cope M. (1997) Monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics during open-heart surgery in children using NIR phase resolved spectroscopy” SPIE 2979, 408-416
26. Pannwitz W. v., Obrig H., Heekeren H. R., Müller A., Kohl M., Wolf R., Wenzel R., Dirnagl U., Villringer A. (1997) Clinical approaches in cerebral near infrared spectroscopy. in: Transcranial Cerebral Oximetry, Eds G. Litscher, G. Schwarz, Pabst Science Pub. 166-183
27. Kohl M., Watson R., Cope M. (1997) Optical properties of highly scattering media determined from changes in attenuation, phase and modulation depth Applied Optics 36, 105-115
28. Kohl M., Nolte C., Heekeren H. R., Horst S., Scholz U., Obrig H., Villringer A. (1997) Changes in cytochrome-oxidase oxidation in the occipital cortex during visual stimulation: Improvement in sensitivity by the determination of the wavelength dependence of the differential pathlength factor Proc. SPIE 3194, 18 - 27
29. Nickell S., Essenpreis M., Krämer U., Kohl M., Böcker D. (1997) Determination of optical properties by variation of boundary conditions Proc. SPIE 3194, 254-261
30. Kohl M., Lindauer U., Dirnagl U., Villringer A. (1998) Separation of Changes in Light Scattering and Chromophore Concentrations during Cortical Spreading Depression in Rat Optics Lett. 23, 555-557
31. Kohl M., Nolte C., Heekeren H. R., Horst S., Scholz U., Obrig H., Villringer A. (1998) Determination of the wavelength dependence of the diffeerential pathlength factor from near infrared pulse signals Phys. Med. Biol. 42, 1771-82
32. Simpson C. R., Kohl M., Essenpreis M., Cope M. (1998) Near-infrared optical properties of ex vivo human skin and subcutaneous tissues measured using the Monte Carlo inversion technique Phys. Med. Biol. 43, 2465-2478
33. Laufer J., Simpson R., Kohl M., Essenpreis M., Cope M. (1998) Effect of temperature on the optical properties of ex vivo human dermis and subdermis Phys. Med. Biol. 43, 2479-2489
34. Nolte C., Kohl M., Scholz U., Weih M., Villringer A. (1998) Characterization of the pulse signal over the human head by Near Infrared Spectroscopy Adv. Exp. Med. Biol . 454, 115 - 123.
35. Kohl M., Lindauer U., Dirnagl U., Villringer A. (1998) Investigation of cortical spreading depression in rats by near infrared spectroscopy: scattering and oxygenation changes Trends in Optics and Photonics III, 240 - 244.
36. Scholz U., Kohl M., Nolte Ch., Hennig C., Villringer A. (1998) Multivariate spectral analysis of the beat-to-beat sampled cortical NIRS signals and the heart rate variability Proc. SPIE 3566, 106 - 111.
37. Ebert B., Kohl M., Sukowski U., Rinneberg H., Winter H., Bellmann K.-P., Audring H. (1998) Fluorescence Imaging of cutaneous malignant melanomas and naevi Lasers Med. Sci. 13, 204 - 208.
38. Heekeren H. R., Kohl M., Obrig H., Wenzel R., Pannwitz W. v., Matcher S. J., Cooper C. E., Villringer A. (1999) Noninvasive assessment of changes in Cytochrome-C-Oxidase oxidation in human subjects during visual stimulation. J. Cereb. Blood Flow and Metab. 19, 592-603.
39. Pringle J., Roberts C., Kohl M., Lekeux P. (1999) Near infrared spectroscopy in large animals; optical pathlength and influence of hair covering and epidermal pigmentation Veterinary Journal 158, 48-52.
40. Ntziachristos V., Kohl M., Ma H., Chance B. (2000) Oximetry based on diffuse photon wave differentials Med. Phys. 27, 410 - 421.
41. Obrig H, Wenzel R, Kohl M, Horst S, Wobst P, Steinbrink J, Thomas F, Villringer A (2000) Near-infrared spectroscopy: does it function in functional activation studies of the adult brain? Int. J. Psychophysiol. 35, 125-42.
42. Wenzel R., Wobst P., Heekeren H. H., Kwong K. K., Brandt S. A., Kohl M., Obrig H., Dirnagl U., Villringer A. (2000) Saccadic suppression induces focal hypooxygenation in the occipital cortex. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 20, 1103-10.
43. Steinbrink J., Kohl M., Obrig H., Curio G., Syre F., Thomas F., Wabnitz H., Rinneberg H., Villringer A. (2000) Somatosensory evoked fast optical intensity changes detected non-invasively in the adult human head Neurosc. Lett. 291, 105- 108.
44. Kohl M., Lindauer U., Royl G., Kühl M., Gold L., Villringer A., Dirnagl U. (2000) Physical model for the spectroscopic analysis of cortical intrinsic optical signals Phys. Med. Biol. 45, 3749 – 3764.
45. Obrig H., Neufang M., Wenzel R., Kohl M., Steinbrink J., Villringer A. (2000) Spontaneous low frequency oscillations of cerebral haemodynamics and metabolism under rest and visual stimulation in adults. Neuroimage 12, 623 - 639.
46. Dirnagl U., Obrig H., Pannwitz W., Kohl M., Kerskens C., Döge C., Lindauer U., Wolf T., Villringer A. (2000) Cerebral blood flow, hemoglobin oxygenation, and water diffusion changes in stroke: Fingerprinting with near infrared spectroscopy and MRI. In: Ischemic Blood Flow to the Brain. Eds Fukuuchi Y., Tomita M., Koto A. Springer Tokyo Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 232 -240
47. Wobst P., Wenzel R., Kohl M., Obrig H., Villringer A. (2001) Linear aspects of changes in blood oxygenation and cytochrome oxidase oxidation during brain activation. Neuroimage 13, 520 - 530.
48. Lindauer U., Royl G., Kühl M., Leithner Ch., Gold L., Gethmann J., Kohl M., Villringer A., Dirnagl U. (2001) No Evidence for Early Decrease in Blood Oxygenation in Rat Whisker Cortex in Response to Functional Activation Neuroimage 13, 988 - 1001
49. Kohl M., Obrig H., Steinbrink J., Malak J., Uludag K., Villringer A. (2001) Non-invasive cerebral blood flow monitoring by a dye bolus method: separation of extra- and intracerebral absorption changes by frequency-domain spectroscopy SPIE 4250, 296 – 300.
50. Uludag K., Kohl M., Steinbrink J., Obrig H., Villringer A. (2002) Crosstalk in the Lambert-Beer calculation for near-infrared wavelength estimated by Monte simulations. J. Biomed. Opt. 7, 51 - 59.
51. Obrig O., Israel H., Kohl-Bareis M., Uludag R., Wenzel R., Müller B., Arnold G., Villringer A. (2002) Habituation of the Visually Evoked Potential (VEP) and its Vascular Response: Implications for Neurovascular Coupling in the Healthy Adult. Neuroimage 17, 1-8.
52. Kohl-Bareis M., Obrig H., Steinbrink J., Malak J., Uludag K., Villringer A (2002) Non-invasive monitoring of cerebral blood flow by a dye bolus method: separation of brain from skin and skull signals J. Biomed. Optics 7, 464-470.
53. Lindauer U., Royl G., Leithner C., Kuhl M., Gethmann J., Kohl-Bareis M., Villringer A., Dirnagl U. (2002) Neuronal activation induced changes in microcirculatory hemoglobin oxygenation: to dip or not to dip, in: M. Tomita, I. Kanno, E. Hamel (Eds.), Brain Activation and CBF control, Vol. 1235, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, pp. 137– 144.
54. Kohl-Bareis M., Buckow C., Zank H.., Obrig H., Villringer A. Optical Imaging of Cortical Activation. In: Physikalische Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, VDI-Verlag (2003) Editors: T. M. Buzug, U. Hartmann, A. Hülster, M. Kohl-Bareis, T. Wilhein
55. Steinbrink J., Uludag K., Obrig H., Kohl-Bareis M., Villringer A. Tiefenaufgelöste Nahinfrarot-spektroskopie am Kopf des Erwachsenen. In: Physikalische Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, VDI-Verlag (2003) Editors: T. M. Buzug, U. Hartmann, A. Hülster, M. Kohl-Bareis, T. Wilhein
56. Syré F., Obrig H., Steinbrink S., Kohl M., Wenzel R., Villringer A (2003) Are VEP Correlated Fast Optical Changes Detectable in the Adult by Non Invasive Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)? Adv. Exp. Med. 530, 421-31
57. Kohl M., Buckow C., Zank H., Obrig H., Villringer A., NIRS (2003) Topographic Imaging of Cortical Activation. Proceedings of the Polish Academy of Sciences “Laser –doppler flowmetry and near infrared spectroscopy in medical diagnosis”, ed. R. Maniewski, G. Nilsson, H. Rinneberg, 57-65.
58. Lindauer U. P., Gethmann J., Kühl M., Kohl-Bareis M., Dirnagl U. (2003) Neuronal activity induced changes of local cerebral microvascular blood oxygenation in the rat: Effect of systemic hyperoxia or hypoxia Brain Research 975, 135-40.
59. Steinbrink J. Kempf F., Schreiber S., Uludag K., Kohl M., Valdueza J. M., Villringer A., Obrig H. (2003) Functional brain imaging by CW-NIRS coregistered by blood flow monitors Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5138, 131 (2003)
60. Rohm O., Gürtler R., Kohl-Bareis M. Evaluation of muscle oxygenation based on spatial-resolved broad band and time-resolved spectroscopy OSA Journal (2004 in press)
61. Kohl-Bareis M., O. Rohm, Ch. Andre, P. Neary, Optische Messung der Sauerstoffsättigung des Hämoglobins von Gehirn und Muskel (2005) Aktuelle Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, VDI-Verlag ISBN 3-8007-2838-9
62. Buzug T, Kohl-Bareis M..Medical Imaging in the 1012 Hz - 1014 Hz Domain. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2005;2:1728-31
63. Rohm O., Andre Ch., Neary P., Kohl-Bareis M., Muscle oxygenation and blood content of muscle at rest and during exercise assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy (2005) Aktuelle Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, VDI-Verlag ISBN 3-8007-2838-9
64. Buzug T. M., Holz D., Kohl-Bareis M., Schmitz G., Perspectives of Non-Standard Medical Imaging Modalities (2005) Aktuelle Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, VDI-Verlag ISBN 3-8007-2838-9
65. Kohl-Bareis M., Lindauer U., Leithner Ch., Sellien H., Royl G., Dirnagl U., Funktionelle Neurovaskuläre Kopplung im Gehirn der Ratte(2005) Aktuelle Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik, VDI-Verlag ISBN 3-8007-2838-9
66. Uludag K, Steinbrink J, Kohl-Bareis M, Wenzel R, Villringer A, Obrig H. (2004) Cytochrome-c-oxidase redox changes during visual stimulation measured by near-infrared spectroscopy cannot be explained by a mere cross talk artefact. Neuroimage, 22(1):109-19.
67. Royl G., Leithner Ch., Sellien H., Müller J. Ph., Megow D., Steinbrink J., Kohl-Bareis M., Dirnagl U., Lindauer U., (2006) Functional Imaging with Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis: Vascular Compartment Analysis and Correlation with Laser Doppler Flowmetry and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials, Brain Res. 22;1121(1):95-103.
68. Geraskin D., Platen P., Franke J., Andre Ch., Bloch W., Kohl-Bareis M. (2005) Muscle Oxygenation during exercise under hypoxic conditions assessed by spatial-resolved broad-band NIR spectroscopy SPIE 5859OL.
69. Kohl-Bareis M., Gürtler R., Geraskin D., Leithner Ch., Lindauer U., Royl G., Selien H., Dirnagl U. (2005) System for the Measurement of Blood Flow and Oxygenation in Tissue Applied to Neurovascular Coupling in Brain SPIE 5859.
70. Geraskin D., Platen B., Franke J., Kohl-Bareis M. (2005) Algorithms for Muscle oxygenation monitoring corrected for adipose tissue thickness. Journal of Polish Academy of Science Opt. Meth. Med. Diagn. Conf., 33 - 39.
71. Soschinski J., Ben Mine L., Geraskin D., Bennink G., Kohl-Bareis M. (2007) Cerebral Oxygenation Monitoring during Cardiac Bypass Surgery in Infants with Broad Band Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy Proc. of SPIE 6629 ‘Diffuse Optical Imagng of Tissue’
72. Geraskin D., Boeth H., Kohl-Bareis M. (2007) Spectroscopic measurement of Adipose Tissue Thickness and comparison with Ultrasound Imaging Proc. of SPIE 6629 ‘Diffuse Optical Imagng of Tissue’
73. Geraskin D., Platen P., Franke J., Kohl-Bareis M.(2007) Algorithms for Muscle Oxygenation Monitoring corrected for Adipose Tissue Thickness Proc. of SPIE 6629 ‘Diffuse Optical Imagng of Tissue’
74. Soschinski J., Fischer U., Geraskin D., Mehlhorn U., Bennink G., Kohl-Bareis M. (2007) Cerebral Oxygenation Monitoring during Cardiac Bypass Surgery in Infants with Broad Band Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy in: Advances in Medical Engineering, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 114
75. Geraskin D., Platen P., Franke J., Kohl-Bareis M. (2007) Algorithms for Muscle Oxygenation Monitoring corrected for Adipose Tissue Thickness, in: Advances in Medical Engineering, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 114
76. Dreier J. P., Kleeberg J., Alam M., Major S., Kohl-Bareis M., Petzold G.C., Victorov I., Dirnagl U., Obrenovitch T. P., Priller J. (2007) Endothelin-1-induced spreading depression in rats is associated with a microarea of selective neuronal necrosis. Exp Biol. Med., 232(2):204-13.
77. Ilias Tachtsidis, Lei Gao, Terence S. Leung, Matthias Kohl-Bareis, Chris E. Cooper, Clare E. Elwell (2008) A Hybrid Multi-Distance Phase and Broadband Spatially Resolved Spectrometer and Algorithm for Resolving Absolute Concentrations of Chromophores in the Near-Infrared Light Spectrum. ISOTT 2008
78. Royl G, Füchtemeier M, Leithner C, Megow D, Offenhauser N, Steinbrink J, Kohl-Bareis M, Dirnagl U, Lindauer U. (2008) Hypothermia effects on neurovascular coupling and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen. Neuroimage, 40(4):1523-32
79. Vafiadou M., Koukourakis G., Steimers A., Geraskin D., Neary P., Kohl-Bareis M. (2009) Using broadband spatially resolved NIRS to assess muscle oxygenation during altered running protocols., submitted Dec. 2008
80. Gerz E., Geraskin D., Neary P., Platen P., Franke J., Kohl-Bareis M. (2009) On the data quality of oxygenation monitoring of muscle during exercise with NIRS. J Appl. Physiol., submitted Jan. 2009.
81. Geraskin D., Boeth H., Kohl-Bareis M. (2009) Optical measurement of the Adipose Tissue Thickness and Comparison with Ultrasound, MRI and Calliper. J. Biomed. Opt., 14(4):044017.
82. Gerz E., Geraskin D., Neary P., Franke J., Platen P.,Kohl-Bareis M. (2009) Tissue Oxygenation during Exercise Measured with NIRS: A Quality Control Study Proc. SPIE 7368-58
83. Steimers A., Gramer M., Ebert B., Füchtemeier M., Royl G., Leithner C., Dreier J. P., Lindauer U., Kohl-Bareis M. (2009) Imaging of Cortical Haemoglobin Concentration with RGB Reflectometry Proc. SPIE 7368-30
84. Koukourakis G., Vafiadou M., Steimers A., Geraskin D., Neary P., Kohl-Bareis M. (2009) Using broadband spatially resolved NIRS to assess muscle oxygenation during altered running protocols Proc. SPIE 7368-73
85. Leithner C, Royl G, Offenhauser N, Füchtemeier M, Kohl-Bareis M, Villringer A, Dirnagl U, Lindauer U. (2009) Pharmacological uncoupling of activation induced increases in CBF and CMRO(2). J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. Sep 30
86. Lindauer U., Leithner Ch., Kaasch H., Rohrer B., Foddis M., Füchtemeier M., Offenhauser N., Steinbrink J., Royl G., Kohl-Bareis M., Dirnagl U. (2009) Neurovascular coupling in rat brain operates independent of hemoglobin deoxygenation Submitted to Jour. of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismOct 2009
87. Elevating intracranial pressure reverses the decrease in deoxygenated hemoglobin and abolishes the post-stimulus overshoot upon somatosensory activation in rats Füchtemeier M., Leithner Ch., Offenhauser N., Foddis M., Kohl-Bareis M., Dirnagl U., Lindauer U., Royl G. (2009) Submitted to Neuron Sep 2009
88. Gao L., Gramer M., Kohl-Bareis M., Cooper Ch. E., Elwell C., Leung T. S., Tachtsidis I (2009) Effects of assuming constant optical scattering on haemoglobin concentration measurements using NIRS during a Valsalva Manoeuvre Submited to Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Aug. 2009
89. Gerz E., Geraskin D., Neary P., Franke J., Platen P., Kohl-Bareis M. (2009) A quality control study of tissue oxygenation during repeated exercise measured with near infrared spectroscopy Submitted to Journal of Biomedical Optics Nov 2009
Reviewer for Journals
- Optics Letters (Optical Society of America, USA)
- Applied Optics (Optical Society of America, USA)
- Journal of Biomedical Optics (SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, USA)
- Physics in Medicine and Biology (Institute of Physics, UK)
- Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (Elsevier)
- Neuroimage (Elsevier)
- Optics Express (Optical Society of America, USA)
Organisation of Conferences
8th - 12th of September 1998: Photon Migration in Tissue. SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering / Internationale Conference ‘European Biomedical Optics Week’
Commitee: B. Chance, M. Ferrari, M. Kohl.
25th – 27th September 2002: Remagener Physiktage 2002
Commitee: Kohl-Bareis M., Buzug T., Hülster A., Hartmann U., Wilhein T.
29th September – 1st October 2004: 2. Remagener Physiktage 2004
Commitee: Hartmann U., Kohl-Bareis M., Hering P., Lonsdale G., Bongartz J., Buzug T.
2nd – 9th March 2007: 3. Remagener Physiktage 2007
Commitee: Buzug T., Holz D., Weber S., Bongartz J., Kohl-Bareis M., Hartmann U.
1. Kohl M., Watson R., Cope M. (inventor) / University College London:
‘Method for the determination of spectra of relative absorption coefficients and relative chromophore concentrations in highly scattering media’. 1996 (United Kingdom).
2. Kohl M., Watson R., Cope M. (inventor) / University College London:
’Method for the absolute determination of absorption coefficients in highly scattering media by frequency domain’ 1996, no. 9605687.4 (United Kingdom).
3. Kohl M., Cope M., M. Essenpreis, D. Böcker (inventor) / Boeringer Mannheim: ’Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung von analytischen Daten über das Innere einer streuenden Matrix’, 1995 (Deutschland).
4. Kohl-Bareis M., David Hall (inventor) / ART Inc., Canada, no. 15186-4 PCT ‘Choice of wavelengths for multiwavelength optical imaging’.
organization of annual science contest ‘Jugend forscht – Schüler experimentieren’ at RheinAhrCampus Remagen (since 2005)