Study in Australia - University of the Sunshine Coast
Nach erfolgreicher Bewerbung auf einen Platz als Austauschstudent an der University of the Sunshine Coast sind einige Vorbereitungen zu treffen um einen möglichst reibungslosen Ablauf zu ermöglichen. Aus diesem Grund hat das Team von Languages/International Affairs in Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten, die an der USC waren, einen Leitfaden zusammengestellt:
Leitfaden Bewerbungsverfahren USC
Beispielhafte Kostenaufstellung für ein Semester and der USC
About USC:
The University is one of Australia’s most rapidly growing. It is also developing a range of innovative academic programs. In addition, it occupies a beautiful location and has won many awards for its campus development. It is a campus that is home to wild kangaroos.
Recently, in a major study by the OECD, the University and its region was chosen as a subject of study, along with 13 other regions worldwide. The study focuses on innovatively engaged universities. The work we do here is, therefore gaining international recognition.
Students consistently rate highly their experiences, and the ‘human scale’ of the University with strong support from highly qualified staff are consistently presented as the reasons.
The Sunshine Coast region itself is not only a beautiful one but is also an overwhelmingly safe environment, at a distance from the pressures of major cities. It is a rapidly growing ‘lifestyle’ region.