Language Skills Online Form for Self-Assessment (Faculty of Mathematics and Technology)
The compulsory English courses English I and English II for mathematics and engineering students are taught in several parallel groups. In order to ensure a maximum of individual support, we ask you to submit the information requested below as early as possible so that we can form homogeneous groups.
Please note that all students will have to meet the same examination requirements; the group placement is only used in order to create a learning environment for every student which is as motivating and challenging as possible. At the same time, this self-assessment will help us plan the demand for special preparatory courses and tutorials.
Completing this form as accurately as possible and as early as possible is therefore in your own best interest! You will receive a confirmation mail after submitting your form. As this message is generated manually, it may take some days for you to receive this message. It will contain a summary of the information you provided so that you can check whether the data transfer was complete and accurate.
Thanks a lot for your contribution.
Please contact us if there are any additional questions!