Ewa Bjurshagen, Executive Officer, Division for Student Affairs, Mälardalen University, Sweden
The ERASMUS scholarship for staff training was introduced at my university for the first time in 2008. Since I work with admissions of international students and frequently get into contact with international language tests I immediately saw a field that I wanted to explore in a staff training programme. I browsed the internet to find suitable organisations to contact. My first priority was to find a university or an organisation where I could learn more about the TOEFL test, which is one of the most predominant internationally recognised tests on the market.
Within a week I had several answers with various offers. Needless to say that the answer from Fachhochschule Koblenz, Campus Remagen was the most interesting one. Not only was I offered an extensive programme of two weeks but FH Koblenz (RAC) was also interested in becoming a partner university to Mälardalen.
The first week of my visit coincided with the annual International Week at FH Koblenz (RAC) where I took part in the fair giving information about Mälardalen University as an option for exchange students. Apart from learning more about the TOEFL test I have also had several sessions with professors, teachers and staff members discussing various topics such as equality issues, admissions of local students and routines for exchange students. My visit even included a meeting with representatives for the organisation uni-assist in Berlin to discuss application procedures and admissions of international students to German universities.
During my stay at FH Koblenz (RAC) I have had the most wonderful welcome from all people I have met. There has been a real exchange of experience and ideas. I would like to thank everybody who has devoted their time to me and I invite anyone at FH Koblenz (RAC) to come to Mälardalen university for a staff training period. I will gladly do my best to set up a programme and make all necessary arrangements.
Please check out my useful advice for planning your own staff training. If you have any additional questions, please contact Team Languages / International Affairs.