Project Homepage

ODL Project: "Job - Hunting"

Co-ordinators: Mrs. Lili Wilson, Brighton  and Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Fulda    

Fulda Group (from left to rigth):

Group photograph

Johann Gendron, Markus Spriestersbach, Chris Dimou, Marco Waider, Laurence Borgmann, Camille Deniau, Armelle Albert, Barbara Keil, Michäel Piardon, Johannes Dappert, Florence Chauveau, Barbara Lorenz, Alex Awiny Abukha   

The Juries:

Research Assistant

Thomas (Tutor), Johann, Florence, Barbara L., Marco

Library Assistant

Thomas (Tutor); Michäel, Barbara K., Armelle, Laurence (teacher)

Catering Assistant

Laurence (teacher), Chris, Camille, Alex, Johannes


GrafikQuestions concerning these web-pages are best addressed to:
Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann