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Time Schedule for the "Sustainable Resources" - Project a project for Fairfax students and Fulda students Co-ordinators: Mr. David Beach, Fairfax and Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Fulda Version: 24 March 1998
Dates | Fairfax Action | Fulda Action | Comments |
Week 1 23-27 March |
- students hear about the project and write an introductory letter to "Fulda-Consult". In this letter they explain the situation and ask if FC can help them solve their problems (e.g. refer them to companies that offer technology for sustainable resources). They ask FC what kind of information they would need to get started
- students read and discuss game idea and time-schedule of the "Sustainable Resources"- Project - students get an introduction into the use of email with attachments and publication of their work on the web |
- students study different kinds of renewable energy (video: village in Wales; Worksheet with 5 installations using wind, solar, water energies) | Preparation of the project |
Week 2 30 March- 3 April |
- students study different kinds of sustainable resources and think about a fictitious country (not the U.S. and not Germany!) that would have geographical features that would allow various kinds of renewable energy
-students publish the imaginary country (this will take a lot of consideration to leave room for all kinds of sustainable resources). They draw a map of the invented country with mountains, rivers, cities and villages. They write charts with statistical material about inhabitants, geographical features, weather, etc. which would be helpful for the development of the country with renewable energy. The geographical features should include concrete information about
Deadline is 1 April |
- students read and discuss game idea and time-schedule of the "Sustainable Resources"- Project
-students read and answer the Fairfax introductory letter suggesting contact with 5 German companies specialized in the field - students discuss benefits of the different kinds of installation (individual households; large quantities of energy; environment) - students are divided into 5 teams (companies):
- students in their working teams (companies) start studying the geographical map of the invented country and the charts concerning climate, population etc. |
It is important that the fictitious country does not disadvantage any of the Fulda companies because of ist geographical layout.
The materials of the Fairfax group should be published ASAP during the week, so that the Fulda group has enough time to look at it optional: |
Week 3 06-(08)10 April |
- Fairfax students design their own student web page with group photograph and individual student homepages | - students in their working teams (companies) study the geographical map of the invented country and the charts concerning climate, population etc.
- working under stress: each group writes a proposal for solving energy problems in the invented country and submits it to the Fairfax juries for assessment (Deadline is 7April - it has to be finished this week! sorry but this is like real life!) |
Timing is very tight (because of the Easter Break in Germany) for the German companies to formulate and send the proposals. The companies must have solved all other questions before and must fully concentrate on the proposal this week. If students agree we will have an extra class this week to look at the proposals and correct strategy. |
Week 4 13-17 April |
Easter Break | ||
Week 5 20-24 April |
- students fix the criteria for judging the proposals on paper and decide how they will come to overall judgements. (On the basis of this they will decide which two of the incoming proposals best resolve the geographical challenges of the country).
- students form a jury with participants from 4 different backgrounds (teams 1 A-D)
The jury discusses the incoming proposals and selects the best two (or combinations). They may decide to contact the German companies and ask them to change the proposal - students look at formal letters of acceptance and rejection of applications and study recurrent formulations (for next week) optional: |
- companies ask the Fairfax juries for an online interview date where they can defend their proposals and answer any additional questions of the juries
-students plan a homepage for this case study, where all the materials can be found
This homepage is meant as a documentation of the case study for people who want to find out about it (e.g. students from other classes) optional: |
Structure of next week has to be planned and fixed this week (esp. letter-writing and chat-session) |
Week 6 27-30 April |
- students meet and write a friendly formal letter to the individual companies who submitted proposals explaining why they were/were not selected for the prize This comprehensive letter (at least one page!) will explain
Also this letter will thank the companies for their work and explain how the project is going to proceed |
-students finish the homepage for this case study, where all the materials can be found
- for the rest of the week the students bite their fingernails in anticipation ("Will their company win the competition and get the job?") |
End | debrief and evaluation | debrief and evaluation |
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