Project Homepage |
Co-ordinators: Mrs. Lili Wilson, Brighton and Mrs. Pat Shrimpton, Umeå and Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Fulda
Group | December price (in Euro) Flight / Transport/ Accomodation |
December price inluding European grant (in Euro) | New price (in Euro) because of Price reduction and Sponsoring (everybody who paid the old price already will be refunded) |
Umeå students | 575 + 30 (2 extra days in Dublin) |
575 -300 (European grant) ----------------------- 275,- |
275-100=175 |
Tampere students | 500 + 45 (3 extra days in Dublin) |
500 -250 (European grant) ---------------------- 250,- |
250-100=150 |
Brighton students | 275 | 275 -100 (European grant) ---------------------- 175,- |
175-100=75 |
Fulda students | 325 + 45 (3 extra days in Dublin) |
325 -150 (European grant) ---------------------- 175,- |
175-100=75 |
Additional costs
subsistence in Dublin
subsistence on Achill
Suggestion for Achill: Everybody pays 30 IRP (40 Euro) into a kitty for the Catering Manager (I hope this will be enough)
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