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Why would 40 people from 11 countries, speaking 15 languages, meet on Achill Island, Ireland on a chilly day at the beginning of February, 2005?

They are all on an EU funded IP programme called, “International Strategies for Intercultural Success” (ISIS).The programme aims to bring together students from the participating countries to Achill Island where they can work together with the local people to promote intercultural understanding.

The students participating first meet each other “virtually” using ICT and then in real life on Achill Island where they are active in a variety of workshops which are inspired by the life and culture of this unique setting. The themes of the workshops range from creating virtual communities to emigration/immigration.In the following travelogue you can follow the workshops activities of the group during their stay.



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Co-ordinator: Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Remagen
FH Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus
page by Marie Nilsson, Thomas Joeckel and Daniela Dung