General Information
The ISIS project involves International cooperation among 8 European institutions and universities. It is funded by the European Union in the context of Socrates Intensive Programmes.
Format of the ISIS project
The Project is divided into 2 parts. The first part is at the home institution while the second part is held in a real life contact situation in Ireland.
• Online Preparatory Course
During the online course, the students participating in the "Achill 2005" project, will work together in virtual teams. This is done for 4 months before they finally get together for an Intensive Seminar on Achill Island. The aim of the preparation is to put students in contact internationally and help them develop intercultural awareness.
• Intensive Seminar
After working together in the virtual international teams for 4 months, the participants get the opportunity to meet each other and work together in a work shop situation on Achill Island in Ireland. They meet their "virtual partners" in real life and continue their work with them, face to face in an 11-day contact seminar. The teaching consists of a mix of academic lectures in intercultural communication, work shops and concrete community work where international teams offer their help to the community in which they are staying.